Number of observations Observation length Data and time that data set was created / last modified Name of the datasets Other factors Descriptor portion for variables contain attributes such as name, type, length, format, label and other. Data Portion: It’s a collection of data value. Arranged...
I am trying to this conditionally with the following code: data run_table_temp; set run_table(where=(snpst_dt=&dt)); if snpst_dt = &dt then run_id +1; else do; snpst_dt = &dt; run_ts = datetime(); format run_ts ts_format.; run_id = 1 end; run; If I run ...
If you can just add these 2 print statements to your file in your deployment, then we can see if I'm getting the log from SAS or not. Here's the diff so yo see where they go, and the output I get from it, just running SASsession(): tom64-7> git diff diff -...
SAS Enterprise Guide - Summary Statistics说明书
I have a customer that wants a sas7bdat dataset written with 'latin9' encoding Is there a way to specify the output encoding within saspy? Describe the solution you'd like I would like to specify the OUTENCODING when calling the df2sd method. If you are also feeling generous, it might...
一行为一个观测单位(observation)、一列为一个变量(variable) 4.DATA步的内置循环 DATA 步有一个底层结构,即隐含的内置循环。你不必通知 SAS 去执行这个循环,SAS 会自动执行它。 DATA 步逐行执行语句、逐条处理观测 SAS 读取第一条观测,然后针对它从头到尾运行 DATA 步(当然是逐行运行),然后以同样的方式接着处...
1) Confirm array size matches number of elements and do-loop ending condition 2) Confirm all elements are numeric or character variables 3) Confirm expression within do-loop is valid Array or New (useful for internal processing) Purpose 1 = Dataset Variable Name ...
Observation number 输出观测编号,也就是行号,或者说行索引;方法肯定很多,比如SAS是用_n_变量,R则可以row.names() # R code row.names(iris) # SAS code data _null_; set sashelp.class; put _n_; run; Keep unique values 这种可以分成两种情况: ...
Foreachregion,whatisthenumberofobservation(s)writtentotheoutputdataset? a.0 b.1 c.2 d.4 Correctanswer: Theexpressionfirst.regionistrueonceforeachregiongroup.Theexpression last.regionistrueonceforeachregiongroup.Therefore,eachOUTPUTstatement executesonceforatotalof2observationsintheoutputdataset. Youcanlear...