For the evaluation, endogenous ALP activity and sarcomeric 伪-actinin were electrochemically detected using the Bio-LSI system. These results show the crucial role of these genes in determining the fate of differentiation of ES cells. These results also show that the Bio-LSI is a great tool for...
Particularly, for the first time, a novel PDZ/LIM domain protein isoform, PDLIM7, was characterized with a newly identified protein sequence. Moreover, we also identified multiple PTMs on these proteins, including deamidation, methylation, acetylation, tri-methylation, phosphorylation, and S-...
Analysis of cytosolic and sarcomeric α-actinin during mitosis.Xiaohu, FanBryan, G. HughesMohammad, A. M. AliWoo, Jung ChoWaleska, LopezRichard, Schulz
Sarcomeric Protein Fatz Forms a Tight Fuzzy Complex with α-Actinin and Phase-Separates in Vitrodoi:10.1016/j.bpj.2020.11.604Antonio SpongaJoan L. ArolasThomas C. SchwarzCy M. JeffriesJulius KostanAnton A. PolyanskyBojan ZagrovicDmitri Svergun...
Changes in native sarcomeric α-actinin during mitosis of NRVM.Xiaohu FanBryan G. HughesMohammad A. M. AliWoo Jung ChoWaleska LopezRichard Schulz
An α-actinin-3 Knockout Mouse Suffers Increased Sarcomeric Damage from Eccentric Exercise: 1111: 9:00 AM – 9:15 AMYang, NanMacArthur, Daniel G.Kee, Anthony J.Kettle, EmmaHardeman, Edna C.Lemckert, FrancesHook, JeffGunning, Peter W....
and Beggs, A. H. (2012) α-Actinin-2 deficiency results in sarcomeric defects in zebrafish that cannot be rescued by α-actinin-3 reveal- ing functional differences between sarcomeric isoforms. FASEB J., 26, 1892-1908.Gupta, V., Discenza, M., Guyon, J.R., Kunkel, L.M. and Beggs,...
In silico analysis to identify potential kinases of known phosphorylated residues in sarcomeric α-actinin (ACTN2).Xiaohu FanBryan G. HughesMohammad A. M. AliWoo Jung ChoWaleska LopezRichard Schulz