Deep learningDeep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)Data augmentationIn the past years, researchers have shown more and more interests in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR), and many methods have been proposed and studied for radar target recognition. Recently, deep ...
deep learning multiview synthetic aperture radar (SAR)摘要 It is a feasible and promising way to utilize deep neural networks to learn and extract valuable features from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images for SAR automatic target recognition (ATR). However, it is too difficult to effectively ...
SARmilitaryvehicletargetRecognitionBasedonDeepLearning 第1章绪论 研究背景和意义 随着社会的不断进步和发展,人们的视野也在逐渐扩大,从普通的图像中获取数据和有效信息的方式不再满足需求,因此在科学发展进程中,人们利用现有的通信技术,计算机网络技术,雷达检测技术等一系列现代化技术将 人们肉眼可见的普通光学图像技术扩...
SAR target recognition based on deep learning Deep learning algorithms such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been successfully applied in computer vision. This paper attempts to adapt the op... S Chen,H Wang - International Conference on Data Science & Advanced Analytics 被引量: 38...
ResearchonSARTargetDetectionMethodBasedonDeepLearning LIANG Yiqing, WANG Xiaohua, CHEN Lifu (SchoolofElectricalandInformationEngineering,ChangshaUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Changsha410114,China) Abstract:The sizes of various targets in high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are quite different...
好在MSTAR的数据集是个应用最广的SAR图像识别数据集,每年都有不少算法在这上面跑,2018年的论文《SAR Automatic Target Recognition Based on Multiview Deep Learning Framework》只达到98.5%,《Transfer Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Network for SAR Target Classification with Limited Labeled Data》10类...
SAR自动目标识别(AutomaticTargetRecognition,ATR)技术是图像解译 领域的一个核心课题,该技术是指利用计算机算法将SAR图像数据中的地面目 [7] 标进行自动识别、检测和分类。SAR-ATR技术的发展旨在提高SAR图像的 分析效率和准确性以满足军事、安全监控、环境监测等领域对目标识别和检测 的需求。但由于SAR图像具有背景复杂...
自动目标识别(Automatic Target Recognition, ATR)是指从图像中检测和识别目标特征和型号[5]。其中,飞机是SAR图像解译关注的典型目标,及时准确揭示飞机目标数量、类型和分布情况,可为战场情报侦察、机场管理以及飞机的调度等提供重要信息,在军事和民用领域具有重要的应用价值[6]。在深度学习技术被引入SAR ATR领域之前...
自动目标识别(Automatic Target Recognition, ATR)是指从图像中检测和识别目标特征和型号[5]。其中,飞机是SAR图像解译关注的典型目标,及时准确揭示飞机目标数量、类型和分布情况,可为战场情报侦察、机场管理以及飞机的调度等提供重要信息,在军事和民用领域具有重要的应用价值[6]。
sar automatic target recognition based on deep convo1utiona1 neura1 network Data augmentationIn the past years, researchers have shown more and more interests in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR), ... yingxu,jianliu - International Conference on Image & Graphics 被...