OpenSARShip: A Dataset Dedicated to Sentinel-1 Ship Interpretation OpenSARShip 2.0: A large-volume dataset for deeper interpretation of ship targets in Sentinel-1 imagery OpenSARShip是由上海交通大学高级传感技术中心(AST)开发的开放式SAR图像管理和处理平台,用于SAR图像的读取、处理、可视化和算法测试。 缺...
TITLE = {A SAR Dataset of Ship Detection for Deep Learning under Complex Backgrounds}, JOURNAL = {Remote Sensing}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2019}, NUMBER = {7}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {765}, URL = {}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, DOI = {10.3390/rs...
该数据集已发布于,全部数据样本将于2019年5月完成上传。 图1. 数据集样例 图2. 数据切片格式 参考文献:【1】Yuanyuan Wang,Chao Wang,Hong Zhang,Combining a single shot multibox detector with transfer learning fo...
(2)AIR-SARShip-1.0(SAR舰船检测数据集[2],2019年提出) 由中国科学院空天信息创新研究院采用高分三号聚束式和条带式的单极化影像构建而成,共包括31景尺寸为3000像素×3000像素、分辨率为1m和3m的SAR图像,其标注文件格式与PASCAL VOC一致,按2:1的比例分割训练与测试样本,既适用于传统的舰船检测算法,也能满足深...
5. SAR-Ship-Dataset (2019) 参考文献: A SAR Dataset of Ship Detection for Deep Learning under Complex Backgrounds 本数据集包括SAR船舶检测切片近40000张,采用了国产高分3号卫星和欧空局Sentinel-1卫星数据。图像分辨率覆盖1.7米到25米,极化方式包括HH、HV、...
With the launch of space-borne satellites, more synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are available than ever before, thus making dynamic ship monitoring possible. Object detectors in deep learning achieve top performance, benefitting from a free public dataset. Unfortunately, due to the lack of ...
TITLE = {A SAR Dataset of Ship Detection for Deep Learning under Complex Backgrounds}, JOURNAL = {Remote Sensing}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2019}, NUMBER = {7}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {765}, URL = {}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, DOI = {10.3390/rs...
SAR-Ship-Dataset This dataset labeled by SAR experts was created using 102 Chinese Gaofen-3 images and 108 Sentinel-1 images. It consists of 43,819 ship chips of 256 pixels in both range and azimuth. These ships mainly have distinct scales and backgrounds. It can be used to develop object...
【SAR-Ship-Dataset 船舶检测数据集】’SAR-Ship-Dataset - labeled by SAR experts was created using 102 Chinese Gaofen-3 images and 108 Sentinel-1 images' by CAESAR-Radi 《A SAR Dataset of Ship Detection for Deep Learning under Complex Backgrounds》 Githut: O网页链接 转自@爱可可-爱生活 ...