Review of SAR Jamming Technology Abstract:Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)has significant application value in both military and civilian, due to its excellent resolution imaging ability and good adaption to various time and weather.In the military field, SAR is widely used to discover various strategic...
A Review of inversion of the forest height by polarimetric interferometric SAR[J]. Remote Sensing Information, 2009(3): 85-91. [本文引用:2] [CJCR: 0.45] [47] 吴一戎, 洪文, 王彦平. 极化干涉SAR的研究现状与启示[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2007, 29(5): 1258-1262. Wu Y R, Hong W, Wan...
(2000) A Review of SAR Speckle Filters: Texture Restoration and Preservation,” International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, 24-28 July 2000, 633-635.Yunhan, A,K Milne,and B. C. Forster.A review of SAR speckle filters: texture restoration and preservation. Proc.IEEE ...
A review on the attention mechanism of deep learning Neurocomputing (2021) H. Lang et al. Ship classification in moderate-resolution SAR image by naive geometric features-combined multiple kernel learning IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. (2017) H. Lang et al. Ship classification in SAR images ...
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2000年,Reigber等[2]首次进行了机载实测数据的层析实验,对德国Oberpfaffenhofen附近的试验场进行了三维反演,高程向分辨率为2.9 m。随后,层析SAR技术被广泛研究并取得了长足的进展。层析SAR在场景三维反演方面表现出了良好的特性,被应用于城市建筑物信息提取、森林参数信息提取和冰川内部结构反演中。
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Sarnen Also found in:Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. (Germanˈzarnən) n (Placename) a town in central Switzerland, capital of Obwalden demicanton: resort. Pop: 9145 (2000) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
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The EU training network for resource recovery through enhanced landfill mining—A review. Processes 2021, 9, 394. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Savchyn, I.; Lozynskyi, V. Analysis of Consequences of Waste-Slide at Lviv Municipal Solid Waste Landfill on May 30, 2016; European Association of ...
Syed, T.A.; Siddiqui, M.S.; Abdullah, H.B.; Jan, S.; Namoun, A.; Alzahrani, A.; Nadeem, A.; Alkhodre, A.B. In-Depth Review of Augmented Reality: Tracking Technologies, Development Tools, AR Displays, Collaborative AR, and Security Concerns.Sensors2022,23, 146. [Google Scholar...