2000年,Ekestorm 等[8]首先对截获的SAR信号进行相位和幅度调制形成了SAR 欺骗干扰信号,在SAR 成像结果中产生了虚假目标,这启发了后来者对SAR 欺骗干扰的思路。2002 年,胡东辉等[9]针对SAR 提出了散射波干扰这一种新的干扰思路,利用仿真手段证明了该方法生成的干扰图像所包含的地物信息比其他干扰方法生成的干扰图像...
3Department of Microbiology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. e-mail: ikang@inha.ac.kr; chojc@inha.ac.kr Nature Communications | (2023)14:5098 1 Article https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-40726-8 surge in interest and technological advances in cultivation, a high ...
Mechanics of Compressibility and Strength of Solid Waste in Bioreactor Landfills; North Carolina State University: Raleigh, NC, USA, 2002; ISBN 0493911820. [Google Scholar] Jafari, N.H.; Stark, T.D.; Merry, S. The July 10 2000 Payatas landfill slope failure. ISSMGE Int. J. Geoengin. ...
In Recent Developments in Cooperative Control and Optimization; Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, MA, USA; Dordrecht, The Netherland; London, UK, 2004; pp. 261–272. [Google Scholar] Brucker, P.; Knust, S. Complex scheduling. In GOR Publications; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Geramany, 2005...
From January 2000 to December 2004, he was the Director of Sales for USA West, USA South, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean Rajeev Peshawaria Rajeev Peshawaria CEO Stewardship Asia Centre, Singapore Rejecting platitudes and theoretical models, Rajeev combines 22 years of global Fortune 100 ...
2000年,Reigber等[2]首次进行了机载实测数据的层析实验,对德国Oberpfaffenhofen附近的试验场进行了三维反演,高程向分辨率为2.9 m。随后,层析SAR技术被广泛研究并取得了长足的进展。层析SAR在场景三维反演方面表现出了良好的特性,被应用于城市建筑物信息提取、森林参数信息提取和冰川内部结构反演中。
what�s the difference between 999 and 112? How can you call when your mobile phone is showing no signal? Or if somebody in your party is unconscious and their�s is the only mobile, �how can you bypass the phone security to make that important call and potentially save their life...
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NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Emeritus), Greenbelt, MD, USA Antony K. Liu Department of Marine Environmental Informatics, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan Yu-Hsin Cheng State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Admi...