我用测试系统先调整了spro的抬头更改规则,然后SM30维护了表TCOBX新增了XBLNR_ALT“备选参考”,结果fb02还是没办法修改“备选参考”字段。是因为SM30维护的表错了吗?BKPF-XBLNR_ALT“备选参考”是BKPF表里的。还是因为我用的版本是ECC版本的操作方法不一样?期待老师的解答,万分期待。 2022-11-12 回复...
Dear friends, Iu2019m facing the following problem. I need the field xblnr_alt ( Alternative Reference Number ) in T-Code FB50L but this field is missing. Iu2019ve
基于SAPERP增强包5使用新的个人对象工作清单(POWLs)增强的SAPSolutionBuilder工具 工具和激活相关的功能增强 业务场景相关的内容变化 涵盖以下范围的新内容采购生产销售服务财务 ©2011SAPAG.Allrightsreserved.2 SAPBestPractices基于SAP增强包5 新功能的安装,不同于通过切换...
Hi, The requirement is to update alternative reference number(BKPF-XBLNR_ALT)on executing fb01 transaction through BDC. Therefor can any one tell me about any BADI
(抬头) 2 XREVERSAL 冲销标识 REINDAT 发票接收日期 RLDNR 分类帐 LDGRP 分类帐组 PROPMANO 委托第三方管理 XBLNR_ALT 备选参考编号 VATDATE 报税日期 DOCCAT 凭证类型 XSPLIT 拆分过账 CASH_ALLOC 现金流相关凭证 FOLLOW_ON 后续 XREORG 重组的未清项 SUBSET 子步骤 KURST 汇率类型 KURSX 市场数据汇率 KUR...
场XBLNR_ALT(另类的参考号)用于CNODN也允许文档搜索,因此,它被放置在会计凭证形式的选择画面。准备 1。FI投寄文件进行所有必要的配置。(如建立公司代码,会计科目表,文档类型,取值范围等..)测试系统。 2。维护IMG活动涉及到对中国的正式文件编号。 IMG菜单路径:跨应用组件-常规应用功能-跨应用的文件编号-中国 2.1...
Additional information: The update does not work on field BKPF-XBLNR_ALT which will be opened for input in CALL TRANSACTION FB09. Content of field BKPF-BKTXT can be
altkt as racct, bseg.hkont as lracct, bseg.kunnr, bseg.lifnr, bseg.awtyp, bseg.awkey, bseg.awsys, bseg.h_budat as budat, bseg.h_bldat as bldat, bseg.h_blart as blart, bkpf.xblnr, bkpf.bktxt, bkpf.xref1_hd, bkpf.xref2_hd, bkpf.usnam, bkpf.cpudt, bkpf.cputm, bkpf....
Xblnr_alt update via function module or IRBM no field for malaysiaadityajanDiscovereryesterdayinFinancial Management Q&A 0 22 The purchase order cannot be saved in the SAP MM moduleCui_XinguoDiscovereryesterdayinEnterprise Resource Planning Q&A 1 37 Load More Latest Replies Re: Inspection Lot XXXX...
AND bsak~xblnr IN s_xblnr AND lfa1~ktokk IN s_ktokk AND lfa1~sortl IN s_sortl AND bsak~augbl = gt_payment_details-zvblnr. ENDIF. IF NOT gt_vendor_details[] IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD me->get_altpayee_name. CALL METHOD me->get_payment_details_1. ...