我用测试系统先调整了spro的抬头更改规则,然后SM30维护了表TCOBX新增了XBLNR_ALT“备选参考”,结果fb02还是没办法修改“备选参考”字段。是因为SM30维护的表错了吗?BKPF-XBLNR_ALT“备选参考”是BKPF表里的。还是因为我用的版本是ECC版本的操作方法不一样?期待老师的解答,万分期待。 2022-11-12 回复...
BELNR 发票凭证编号 GJAHR 会计年度 BLART 凭证类型 BLDAT 凭证日期 BUDAT 过帐日期 USNAM 用户名 TCODE 事务代码 CPUDT 输入日期 CPUTM 输入时间 VGART 交易类型 XBLNR 参照 BUKRS 公司代码 LIFNR 出票方 WAERS 货币 KURSF 汇率 RMWWR 总发票金额 BEZNK 未计划的交货成本 WMWST1 增值税金额 MWSKZ1 税务代码...
Dear friends, Iu2019m facing the following problem. I need the field xblnr_alt ( Alternative Reference Number ) in T-Code FB50L but this field is missing. Iu2019ve
基于SAPERP增强包5使用新的个人对象工作清单(POWLs)增强的SAPSolutionBuilder工具 工具和激活相关的功能增强 业务场景相关的内容变化 涵盖以下范围的新内容采购生产销售服务财务 ©2011SAPAG.Allrightsreserved.2 SAPBestPractices基于SAP增强包5 新功能的安装,不同于...
场XBLNR_ALT(另类的参考号)用于CNODN也允许文档搜索,因此,它被放置在会计凭证形式的选择画面。准备 1。FI投寄文件进行所有必要的配置。(如建立公司代码,会计科目表,文档类型,取值范围等..)测试系统。 2。维护IMG活动涉及到对中国的正式文件编号。 IMG菜单路径:跨应用组件-常规应用功能-跨应用的文件编号-中国 2.1...
Hi, The requirement is to update alternative reference number(BKPF-XBLNR_ALT)on executing fb01 transaction through BDC. Therefor can any one tell me about any BADI
altkt as racct, bseg.hkont as lracct, bseg.kunnr, bseg.lifnr, bseg.awtyp, bseg.awkey, bseg.awsys, bseg.h_budat as budat, bseg.h_bldat as bldat, bseg.h_blart as blart, bkpf.xblnr, bkpf.bktxt, bkpf.xref1_hd, bkpf.xref2_hd, bkpf.usnam, bkpf.cpudt, bkpf.cputm, bkpf....
Additional information: The update does not work on field BKPF-XBLNR_ALT which will be opened for input in CALL TRANSACTION FB09. Content of field BKPF-BKTXT can be
1360 Dear Experts,I am trying to run a clean installation of SAP ERP 6.0 on SLES 15 SP16. However SWPM is crashing:I digged up the entire internet:- Yes, we have 20 GB swap configured- Yes, we have about 1.8 GB free space in /tmp (everybody says check if you have enough free ...
MKPF-- GRN Data (Header) (EBELN,BLDAT,BUDAT,XBLNR,BKTXT) MSEG-- GRN Data (Item)(MBLNR,BWART,LIFNR,MATNR,EBELN) Apart from this there are lot of tables which begin with 'M'& 'E', but we use the following very often. EQUK--Quota(header) (QUNUM,MATNR) EQUP—-Quota(item) (QU...