Solved: Hi Folks, Need BAPI to change Outbound Delivery(VL02N) The following are done in the VL02N BDC: (1) Outbound Delivery is filled in initial screen and ENTER
You have planned to use the BAPIs for business object "Handling unit" for this purpose. (For example BAPI_HU_CREATE, BAPI_HU_DELETE, BAPI_HU_PACK, BAPI_HU_REPACK, BAPI_HU_UNPACK). Since these modules do not make updates on delivery, these cannot be used for packing in the delivery. ...
confirmed. * VL02N Delivery change : Edit the delivery to the following Pack – External customer material number = COO. External delivery number Waybill number. BOL – Transport tag. Carrier– Header partner– SP (E.G. FXP). Tracking number = PackingUnit Purchase Orders *...
The packing screen on VL02 is the same as VL02N. We are running 4.7 (Basis 6.20). What version of SAP are you on? Thank you, Reply Former Member 2006 May 04 5:52 PM 0 Kudos 1,469 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I tried using a BDC on VL02 and VL02N. I get...
Solved: Hi , i want to change in outbond delivery in vl02n for in ztcode plz tell which bapi will help to change in delivery and what data i shuld be pass with example
w_success type BAPIVBRKSUCCESS ,"WITH HEADER LINE.* xlikp type likp, lw_likp TYPE likp. DATA : lv_wait TYPE bapita-wait VALUE 'X'.if sy-ucomm eq 'WABU_T' AND ( SY-TCODE = 'VL01N' OR SY-TCODE = 'VL02N' ).WAIT UP TO 3 SECONDS.loop at xlikp into lw_likp.if lw_li...
Goods issue, VL02n OR WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE. Reverse Goods issue VL09 OR 'WS_REVERSE_GOODS_ISSUE' BR, Diwakar Reply Former Member 2011 Aug 11 8:58 AM 0 Kudos 214 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Use VL06G for Mass PGI and VL09 to reverse it. Remember, you can not ...
外向交货单发货过账BAPI:BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CONFIRM_DEC 一般使用WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE DEMO比较简单: REPORT zdemo_vl02n_post. TABLES:likp,lips. PARAMETERS:p_vbeln TYPE vbeln_vl. ...
Is there any Function module or BAPI? Please help. I am Trying the following FM's, in this order: 1. HU_PACKING_REFRESH - initialize internal HU data 2. HU_GET_HUS - get HU numbers and initialize internal data 3. V51P_DELETE_RELATIONSHIP - delete assingnment from delivery. Fill ...
VL01 SAPMV50A Create Delivery VL01N SAPMV50A Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref VL01NO SAPMV50A Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref. VL02 SAPMV50A Change Outbound Delivery VL02N SAPMV50A Change Outbound Delivery VL03 SAPMV50A Display Outbound Delivery VL03N SAPMV50A Display Outbound Del...