NACE->输出类型->处理程序,配置如下(通常都存在,如果没有则配置) EDI RSNASTED EDI_PROCESSING NACE->输出类型->合作伙伴功能,配置如下(通常都存在,如果没有则配置) EDI BP 收票方 2. 配置Procedure,该实例中我们选择标准的V40000 NACE->过程->控制 配置一行包含Output type 为RD04的记录(如果存在,则跳过) ...
ABAP VF01 BAPI 交货单开票 sap交货单打印 很多业务中都需要打印功能,如打印工单、出货单、上架/下架单等,不管打印什么,都需要会写smartforms,不管任何公司相信都不可能直接使用sap所提供的标注forms。 具体业务内容,具体form。 在很多业务中sap提供了标准的form,一般都是根据Output Type而定。 NACE中可看到所有类型,...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all! this time i'm needing a BAPI for Trx. VF01. An Example would be like this: First i create a salesorder document with Bapi BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2. then with this document number i need to create with VF01 the corresponding invoice. I ...
Solved: Hi experts, I have a requirement to create billing request based on Sales order, I tried BAPI (BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE). This bapi create document no for
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi I need to create a billing document like VF01 giving the contract number (already created with VA41) ; in VF01 i just need to give the contract number. Does somebody knows a BAPI for this, for create the billing document like VF01 ? Thanks FrankRep...
VF01生成billing凭证:BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE VF01生成billing凭证:BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE form frm_generate_billing .* * EKBE部分 生成V
Hello SAP Experts, While creating an invoice (Debit Memos) using BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE with references to existing Debit memo requests but it fails to create header texts. The issue can be re-generated by: First, In SE37 execute FM BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE Then for debit memo ...
CLEAR lt_billingdatain[]. *ls_billingdatain-ref_doc_ca = 'J' . "先期SD凭证的凭证类别 *G 合同 *H 退货 *I 免费订单 *J 交货 *K 贷项凭单请求 *L 借项凭单请求 *M 发票 *N 取消发票 *O 贷项凭单 ** BAPI赋值 * LOOP AT tp_din_item INTO ls_din_item. ...
VF01 VF04开票,参数有文本字段 TEXTDATAIN CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE' TABLES billingdatain = lt_billingdatain * conditiondatain = lt_conditiondatain * CCARDDATAIN = * TEXTDATAIN = * ERRORS = return = lt_return success = lt_success ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Krupa i have came across the same requirment and i used a bdc program for that. Try this if sy-tcode eq 'VF01' and xvbrk-vkorg eq 'JMG'. data: lw_charg type lips-charg, " Batch number lw_mblnr type mseg-mblnr, " Number of Material Docum...