VBRK-ZUKRI = ZUK. ENDFORM. 如果新增一行对工厂的限制(ZUK-WERKS = LIPS-WERKS),那么不同的工厂也要开出不同的发票。 2 、阻止拆分 为了阻止拆分,可以将影响拆分的字段设置成相同的内容。例如,两个含有不同装运条件的交货单将被拆分开票,因为装运条件被拷贝到了发票抬头(VBRK)中。如果这个字段被清空了,那...
一、根据Billing的字段项目进行分拆 在sap的标准系统中,系统会比较VBRK表的所有字段(也包含复制拆分组合标准字段ZUKRI),只有这些字段完全相同才不会被拆分。如果有一个不同,系统就会自动拆分Billing. 大家可以参见下列代码: FORM XVBRK_BEARBEITEN. XVBRK = VBRK. RC = 4. OVBRK-FIX-ERZET = VBRK-ERZET. IF ...
VBRK-ZUKRI = ZUK. ENDFORM. 5、让ABAP根据下面代码修改001公式(代码修改部分用红色标示) FORM DATEN_KOPIEREN_001. * Header data * VBRK-xxxxx = ... * Item data * VBRP-xxxxx = ... * Additional split criteria DATA: BEGIN OF ZUK, MODUL(3) VALUE '001', VTWEG LIKE VBAK-VTWEG, SPART L...
vbrk-zukri = zuk. ie: it is populating the field ZUKRI in VBRK. routing 011 sets: vbrk-fkdat = sy-datum. Think that routine is called from include LV60AA95 in this coding cpymodul-nr = tvcpf-grurp. perform (cpymodul) in program sapfv60c. and TVCPF-GRURP is the VOFM routine. ...
zterm LIKE vbrk-zterm. INCLUDE STRUCTURE zuk. DATA: itemno LIKE tvko-maxbi. DATA: END OF j_1b_size_split. zuk-billno = j_1b_size_split-billno. zuk-vtweg = vbak-vtweg. zuk-spart = vbrp-spart. IF kurgv-perfk = space. zuk-vgbel = vbrp-vgbel. ENDIF. vbrk-zukri = zuk. ...
SAP销售与分销实施指南 第7章 开票
Please check in VBRK table wheather ZUKRI feild is getting updated or not.If it is getting updated then it is working fine. Regards Srinath former_member217082 Active Contributor 2011 Sep 27 0 Kudos Hi If you want to split the billing document based on the line items,its better to...
You don't need a different BAPI. If you have multiple documents billing to separate documents, then you have criteria that are causing the documents to split. Check your billing copy control routines and the specification of the ZUKRI values. Also check any other fields which would cause the...
LIPS-EMPST. VBRK-ZUKRI= ZUK. *** A D I T I O N A L C O D E * *** here need the code to written ENDIF. } INSERT ENDFORM. Reply FormerMember In response to Former Member 2007 Jul 08 10:59 AM 0 Kudos 124 SAPManaged : ABAPDevelopment Hi Bijender...