图2是销售/购置税组下的自动记账事物(Transaction)列表,根据表 1找到进项税(VST)条目,用鼠标选中条目再按细节按钮( ),或直接双击,弹出图 3对话框(也可用菜单“编辑→更改会计表”弹出对话框进行设置科目表)。在对话框中输入科目表,按确认按钮( )继续,进入图4界面。 图2 会计设置自动记账事务(Transaction)列表(...
图4显示进项税J1的详细信息,抬头部分显示国家键值CN、税码J1、分配的计算过程TAXCN,而税类别则是“V 进项税”。在详细部分,在进项税一行有税率值17.000,其中科目代码是VST,这是在T-CODE:OB40维护税务科目的事务关键字(Transaction Key),详细参见《定义销售购置税科目》。右侧显示“层次”、“从层次”、“条件类型...
655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing 后减库存处理法 656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing 前减库存处理法 657 generally accepted manufacturing practices 通用生产管理原则 658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing 直接增减库存处理法 659 Pareto Principle 帕拉图原理 660 Drum-buffer-ro...
输入发票 Define Tax Code per Transaction Entering Invoices/Credit Memos - Enjoy Transaction Editing Items - Enjoy Transactions Editing Options - Enjoy Transactions delete the held document directly Invoice/Credit Memo Parking - Enjoy Transaction Recurring Entries Posting with Reference Documents ...
sap 自动记帐的Transaction-key.doc,OBYC中的Transaction key详细解释以及用法-Group(RMK) The following list shows the individual transactions with examples of how they are used: Agency business: income (AG1) This transaction can be used in agency business fo
Mass Activity: Post Withholding Taxtransaction (transaction code: FKKID_WTCAM) is a country-specific solution created for India. It is used to post withholding tax at the end of a fiscal period when the total amount of accumulated documents doesn't exceed the threshold. ...
SAP Tcode PC00_M46_PITR Description Tax accounting form PIT-R Package PC46 Program Name HPLCPR00 Screen Number 1000 Transaction Type R Module Payroll The SAP TCode PC00_M46_PITR is used for the task: Tax accounting form PIT-R. The TCode belongs to the PC46 package.Top...
2671 customer/verdor tax code 客户/供应商税码 2672 customize 用户化 2673 customized 用户化的 2674 customizing 系统定制 2675 customizing object 定制对象 2676 customizing setting 定制设置 2677 customs office en route 途中海关 2678 cut-off date 终止日期 2679 cut-off period 终止期段 2680 cut-off val...
1. 业务处理(transaction)字段选择: 创建后续借记(subsequent debit) ItemData DE_CRE_IND = 'X' HeaderData INVOICE_IND = 'X' 创建后续贷记(subsequent credit) ItemData DE_CRE_IND = 'X' HeaderData INVOICE_IND = ' ' 发票(invoice) HeaderData INVOICE_IND = 'X' ...
Amount (金额)金额ItemG/L acct(科目)科目Account in docc.输入金额Tax code先择税率Cost conter选择成本中心保存后屏幕左下角会出现凭证号。2.3. En ter In comi ng In voice:有订单发票的录入TRANSACTION CODE : MIRO步骤描述(一级)描述(次级)输入内容备注1Basic dateInvoice date (发票日期)发票日期如果此...