it_sschedule TYPE TABLE OF ba pischdlx。 数据:es_table TYPE zcl_zcreate_so_bapi88_mpc=>ts_saleorder。 *读取条目 dataio_data_provider->Read_entry_data(IMPORTING es_data=es_table)。 *抬头 datawa_Header-doc_type=es _table-doc_type.wa_Header-sales_org=es_ttable-sales_org. wa_h...
order_schedules_inx LIKE TABLE OF bapischdlx WITH HEADER LINE, order_conditions_in LIKE TABLE OF bapicond WITH HEADER LINE, order_conditions_inx LIKE TABLE OF bapicondx WITH HEADER LINE, order_text LIKE TABLE OF bapisdtext WITH HEADER LINE, order_partneraddresses LIKE TABLE OF bapiaddr1 WIT...
选中项目栏,点展开进入项目数据细节→切换到Table Page:文本→双击“Customer Part Num” →选择第二行的客户物料名→Ctrl+C复制回到概览项目栏内的客户物料编号栏位→Ctrl+V粘贴粘贴回车后系统提示客户物料名作为XX物料名管理→十、创建其他类型的订单 与Normal Sales Order的不同点——(Last Order/Spare Parts ...
其中红色区域的值是我代码里硬编码的,而蓝色是函数SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE自己创建的。 来看下代码: DATA: ls_header TYPE bapisdhd1, ls_headerx TYPE bapisdhd1x, lt_bapiret2 LIKE bapiret2 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, po_order_number TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln, lt_partners TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr, ...
DATA: lt_return LIKE TABLE OF bapiret2. DATA: ls_return LIKE bapiret2. DATA:lv_salesdocument LIKE bapivbeln-vbeln. CLEAR ls_order_header_in. ls_order_header_in-doc_type = 'ZDJX'."订单类型 ls_order_header_in-sales_org = p_vkorg. ...
used to create only Sales view of customer master. Use: System round quantities in the sales order depending upon the rounding profiles. we can Use: value of this field can be taken into consideration to create condition table. Changes to a lot ...
i_bapi_view = ls_readTABLESsales_documents = lt_header order_items_out = lt_item. 输出的行项目信息保存在内表lt_item里: 其中字段MATL_GROUP: 物料组,类型为MATKL,value table T023, ITEM_CATEG: item category。类型为PSTYV,value table TVPT ...
Solved: Hi! Friends is there any table that links Sale Order and Production Order. In a report i need to display the Production order based on the sale order . as there
SAP Tables LFA1供应商主数据(一般地区)供應商主檔(一般區段) LFB1供应商主数据(公司代码)供應商主檔(公司代碼) LFBK供应商主数据(银行细目)供應商主檔(銀行明細) LFM1供应商主记录购买组织数据供應商主檔記錄採購組織資料 ADRC地址(业务地址服务)地址﹝中央地址管理﹞ ADR6电子邮件地址(...
Table View for Document Type Item Quantity Quantity that you want to sell to the customer based on the item’s sales unit of measure, as defined on the Sales Data tab in the Item Master Data window. The default value is 1. If the sales unit of measure is defined as more than one it...