The SAP ERP 6.0 stock inventory management data model consists of the two document tables MKPF for document header information and MSEG for document item data. Additionally there were aggregated actual stock quantity data stored in several tables. Some of these tables do also store material master ...
FORM get_material_stock_history. SELECT werks " plant matnr " material number lgort " storage location lfgja " fiscal year lfmon " month labst " unrestricted stock FROM mard INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE t_mardh WHERE matnr IN s_matnr AND werks IN s_werks " plant AND lgort IN s_...
I have looked at the link article and it shows that Sales order stock valuation is from EBEW and Stock is from stock table MSKA. Does this mean the $value is from EBEW while Stock balance Quantity is from MSKA ? and does MBEW $valuation exclude Sales order stock $valuation? Please could...
MSCAH - Sales Order Stock at Vendor: History MSKAH - Sales Order Stock: History MSKUH - Special Stocks at Customer: History MSLBH - Special Stocks at Vendor: History MSPRH - Project Stock: History MSSAH - Total Sales Order Stocks: History ...
SAP Table T136 Description Stock Display: Basic List/Breakdown List Table Type POOL Delivery Class C Main Category Logistics - General Sub Category Logistics Basic Data SAP Logistics Basic Data Tables TableDescriptionModule A152 Sales Org./Dist. Channel/Plant/Material/Sales Unit/Customer LO-MD A153...
Possible special stock indicators:K251 Goods issue for sales (without customer order)251有关销售的发货(不带客户订单)Use this movement type if you have not entered a customer order in SD. In the standard system, the movement is assigned to a cost center.如果你没有在SD里创建客户订单,可以使用...
MVKE Material Sales Data MTXH Material Long Text MCHA Batch management table(批次管理) MCHB 批次库存 MSKA Sales Order Stock(销售库存) MAPL 分配任务清单到物料,物料所建的工艺路线(Q类型为检验计划) MAST 分配BOM到物料 MVKE 物料销售数据(查找销售单位) MLAN 物料的税分类 MDLV 定制MRP 运行区域(与MD...
*** 创建交货单要的参数 DATA: ship_point TYPE tvst-vstel, "装运点/接收点 num_deliveries TYPE vbnum, "创建的凭证数 lt_trans_items LIKE bapidlvreftosalesorder OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, "传输交货单对应的item deliveries TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapishpdelivnumb, "交货号 extension_out TYPE ...
1 Customising 1.1 General settings 1.1.1 Countries T005 Countries 1.1.2 Currency TCURC Currency codes TCURR Wisselkoersen TCURT Currency name TCURX Decimal places for currencies. 1.1. ...
in case the customer does not places the order then the stock reservation should be deleted The modules I have here are SD and MM and I am not sure what's the best way to address this. This is the solution I am thinking of: create a rush sales order where the allocation takes p...