库存地点(storage location)是SAP四级组织架构中的最低一级(集团、公司代码、工厂、库存地点)。物料进入工厂,是需要放在指定库存地点的。一个工厂下可以有多个库存地点,库存地点的编号在同一工厂下是不可以重复的(不同工厂下的编号可以重复)。 一般定义只是到库存地点,但还可以在此下包含多个连续地址编号(Sequential a...
Storage Location:存储地点WQ3D WQ3N WQ02 SU03 SU04 SU05 Storage type:存储类型100 (floor loc) 200 (shelving loc) 300(high up pallet) Storage Bin:仓位,即为库位 Warehouse number:仓库号(SU5) 创建TO TO:Transfer Order:传输指令 DO:Delivery Order:交货订单 Shipment number:备货单 Material:料号 Ba...
Q:Can I print storage location address in my purchase order output? A:Yes, go to the appCreate Purchase Order – Advanced. Create a purchase order, while creating the purchase order mention plant name and storage location for the purchase order items. The mentioned storage location address will...
One warehouse number may exist for several physical warehouses, these being represented as storage types in the WM system. One storage type groups together several storage bins. A storage bin is the smallest physical unit the system can address. A plant may have storage locations that are not ...
Solved: Hello, I need to get the name and address of a particular storage location code. I am fetching the storage location code (LGORT) from table VBRP for a particualr
Location: 内部制造物料在进行反冲时的出库场所.物料主数据记录-物料计划及控制(4)12.Storage loc. For EP: 外采购物料进行入库的仓库 在MRP实行时自动COPY到订单当中. 13.Stock Determ. Group: 库存决定组 在系统后台设置有库存规则,通过指定相应的决定组对物料进行管理. 14.Delivery Time: 计划纳入天数. 物料...
“Where”/ “storage location”输入:0020; “Partner”打上对钩Item OK 点向右的箭头,会对下一个Item进行操作,最后把所有的Item都做完了,点击最上面的”Check” 打上对钩“Save” ME23N用于显示收货的PO,进去会看到多出来一项“purchase order history”,逐个ITEM进行核对,会看到有了收货记录。 注意事项: 一般...
*storage location -represent sub-contractor where inventory is held. -represents a company facility with a different address. 6、practice:define a plant *IMG:Enterprise Structure->Definition->Logistics-General->Define,copy,delete,check plant
Every storage location will have its own address may be plants address.. . To create a Sloc go to img -- enterprice structure -- define -- MM -- Maintain Sloc Give your plant name in the work area... so that you are creating the Sloc in your plant... its only for your plant...
In the Dialog Structure, click Storage locations. In the Storage Location table, select the storage location that you want to maintain. In the Dialog Structure, double-click Addresses of storage locations. Choose New Entries. Enter the sequential number of the storage location address and choos...