操作1:点击“系统system”菜单,选择“创建会话create session” 操作2:在命令字段输入/O+对应的事务代码,如果只输入/O,则直接进入到根目录(事务代码,可以理解成页面的标识码) 操作3:点击图标进行新增 6、结束会话 意思是关闭当前页面,也可以是退出系统 操作1:点击“系统system”,选择“结束对话end session” 操作2...
The storage location data is only created if the quantity is posted to 'standard' storage location stock. It is not created for receipts into a special stock (for example, into sales order stock). 1. Enter for each plant whether the automatic creation of storage location data is ge...
1. Create new storage location 2.Transfer material stock from old storage location to new storage location with transaction code MB1B with 311movement type 3.Cross check all material stock in new storage location 4.You can perform MM06 for old storage location. Furthermore you can use authorizat...
事务代码 MI09 (Enter Count w/o Reference to Document), 输入plant和storage location字段值, 输入各个物料批次的实际盘点库存结果值,保存, 系统自动创建了盘点凭证100104266,并完成了结果录入。 后续可以MI20去看difference list, MI07去clear difference了。比如MI07, SAP功能强大而灵活,能支持业务部门各种场景。
you want to show all material information using MARA, and see wich materials are available in a storage location (MARD). Inner Join: Create a query using a Table Join. In the join, select MARA and MARD Note the connecting line, this shows you have an inner join. ...
输入工厂和Storage location, 可以自行决定每个盘点凭证里的最大的item的个数(默认是20)。并且执行结果里,能显示Issue Log, 能自动为创建好的盘点凭证勾上’Posting block’标记。 执行,进入如下界面, 这里列出物料号和批次号,供业务人员选择。选好需要盘点的物料批次,点击按钮”Create Documents”, ...
which each HU has stored in the different bin.The error is:No mixed storage permitted in storage type WH00. Maximum 1 HU per bin.I've check the selected bin that passed to the FM are empty.anyone have an idea which parameter that I might need to maintain, in order to create a put...
export appId="<appId>" az role assignment create --assignee ${appId} \ --role "User Access Administrator" \ --scope /subscriptions/${ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID} 重要 如果未将用户访问管理员角色分配给服务主体,则无法使用自动化来分配权限。 配置控制平面 Web 应用程序凭据 在SAP 自动化框架控制平面中,可...
**Request for Tools to Create Developer Key** Hi Folks,I hope you're doing well. We are currently working on creating a new developer key manually for our system. However, we do not have S-user access, and our installation number is set to "INITIAL."Could you please advise on the ap...