(1) 工作流模块 工作流模块提供了如下定义、分析、监控工作流执行的工具,即工作流构建器(Workflow Builder)、工作流向导(Workflow Wizard)、业务对象构建器(Business Object Builder)、业务工作区(Business Workplace)和系统管理工具(System Administration)。 1) 工作流构建器(Workflow Builder) 以图形化界面,创建、显...
458 workflow 工作流 459 work order 工作令 460 work order tracking 工作令跟踪 461 work scheduling 工作进度安排 462 world class manufacturing excellence 国际优秀制造业 463 zero inventories 零库存 464 465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心 466 Co/By-product 联/副产品 467 E-Com...
for example, a quotation and the relevant sales order. This involves correlating the objects by using one or more common elements, for example, the quotation number. When you define a Workflow, you can specify the object that the Workflow must wait for, without having...
for example, a quotation and the relevant sales order. This involves correlating the objects by using one or more common elements, for example, the quotation number. When you define a Workflow, you can specify the object that the Workflow must wait for, without having...
就是上图中红色标记的 Availability check来决定的,如果选中,则在Sales order中是用ATP ,如果不选中,就是用 CHECK AGAINST PIR . 演示 此物料有库存100PC 没有任何的PIR (计划独立需求) 在建立Sales order的时候,不能CONFIRM到任何的数量,就算有库存也不行,并且你会发现这种与正常的ATP有点不同,在上面的工具...
如果你是用SALES ORDER来演示的话,就要看看下面 OK? No Problem? Check Against planned independent requirements 此方法即只是检查相关物料(或相关物料的计划物料)的计划独立需求能否满足需求,如果可以的话,就可以CONFIRM,如果不可以就不行,而不会去看相关物料的库存有没有,生产订单有没有。
workflow customising 17 SWEQADM -Event Queue administration 18 RSWELOGD -Delete Event Trace 21 Monthly Activities 21 SM37 21 \o Current Document SOLUTIONS TO WORKFLOW ERRORS 23 \o Current Document Sales Order 26 \o Current Document Capital Commitment Project 26 \o Current Document Trip Approval...
Assuming all prerequisites are completed, let’s go to the SAP Fiori app.Manage Sales Price Workflows (ID F5525)to set up the system. After each step, I will show you the settings needed forour business Case: How can you define preconditions to start the workflow and split the decision ...
131. 一个最简单的 Github workflow 例子 132. SAP UI5 初学者教程之七 - JSON 模型初探试读版 133. SAP UI5 初学者教程之六 - 了解 SAP UI5 的模块(Module)概念试读版 134. 关于 SAP UI5 里包含的 jQuery 版本 135. SAP UI5 视图控制器 View Controller 的生命周期方法 - Lifecycle methods 136. ...
The workflow will be triggered upon creation of a certain sales order, for example YWRO order type in VA01. Then the user will receive a mail on his/her inbox asking her/him to choose an approver of the order created.The user will have the option to choose who will be the approver ...