Create Sales Order (VA01) -> CreateDelivery Note(VL01N) ->Picking(LT03) ->Shipping发货 (VL02N) -> Post Goods Issue (生成物料凭证 & 会计凭证) -> Billing (VF01) -> Incoming Payment (F-28 收款+清账) -> Check receipt flow (XD03 确认凭证流, 查看冲销记录) 关于Taxation:税收的确认需要...
Set Delivery Block allows to set a delivery block on header level of the sales order. A reverse action (Remove Delivery Block) exists as well. Similar actions exist for setting/removing a Billing Block. Manage Sales Orders ¨CNavigation Options 4. Navigation options: Using links, it i...
一个Sales Document(销售凭证)存在范围在一个Sales Area里 一个Sales Order可以是从一个Inquery或者Quotation创建并复制过来的 一个Quotation可以产生多个Sales Order。例如将一个Quotation拆分成多个Sales Order Sales Document结构 一个Sales Document包含三大块: Header(抬头):对于整个Document都有效的信息,例如客户信息 ...
点击Document ID超链接查看Quote form: document flow: 同样方式在C4C里创建ERP Sales Order: 会生成一个ID为22091的ERP Sales Order: document flow也相应更新了。 在ERP可以根据ID 22091打开这个Sales Order: Deliver这个Sales Order: 在ERP里创建一个新的Transfer Order: 事务码VF01,创建billing document并保存: ...
SAP Sales Order Processing - Make to Order SAP CRM middleware SAP ERP应用案例详解 Sales Order Flow(Consumer Electronics) 检验组合中的SAP号查询 Sales Order Scenario in SAP CRM and SAP ERP SAP CRM: Data Exchange with Laptops SAP 单个物料价格发布 每天...
.Order ..Delivery …Invoice ..Returns …Returns delivery ….Returns credit memo 三,SD中的复制控制Copying Control in SD 在Copying control中,可以决定哪些凭证类型可以Copy到其他的凭证类型,并定义详细的Copying方法; 比如: Sales document type from a sales doc. Type:Standard order(OR)<- quotation(QT)...
会生成一个ID为22091的ERP Sales Order: document flow也相应更新了。 在ERP可以根据ID 22091打开这个Sales Order: Deliver这个Sales Order: 在ERP里创建一个新的Transfer Order: 事务码VF01,创建billing document并保存: ERP的Sales Order和Transfer Order,Billing document都能在C4C Opportunity的document flow里观察到...
Sales Kit Process Flow Create a Sales Kit 4. Common Issues Following are the scenarios currently not supported with sales kit item 1. Project Stock order. 2. Third party Order. 3. Intercompany scenario. 4. Sales kit is also not supported for purchasing. 5. Price (E. g. Discount) and ...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) I wish to know if there is any standard procedure for the below in SD. "Sales Order Approval. There is a need from business to align on confirmation control. User requests to change the sales order flow to include SO confirmation step." ...
a subsequent Sales Order (S/O) and Purchase Order(s) are created automarically.Once you create a S/O and P/O(s), you are NOT allowed to change this wihtout GTM interface. This means that you need to use the T/C to update business data and release to synchronize with S/O and P...