Logistics->Production->Master Data->Routings->Routings->Standard Routing->CA02-Change 7、user-defined field in routing *You can use user-defined field to assign data field to an operation or suboperation. *You define the usage and meaning of these data fields yourself. - Field key #Text-...
11、create material master 12、practice:create material master *Logistics->Production->Master Data->Material Master->Material->Create(General)->MM01-Immediately 13、practice:change material master *Logistics->Production->Material Master->Material->Change->MM02-Immediately 14、configuration for material ma...
SAP PP - Master Data - Master data contains the main detailed objects in SAP Production Planning module. In SAP PP, main objects are Bill of Materials, material master, routing, and work center. Master data contains the key properties of these objects su
在SAP 企业管理软件中,Master Data(主数据)和 Transaction Data(事务数据)是两个关键概念。了解这两个概念对于掌握 SAP 系统如何运作至关重要。Master Data 是企业运行过程中反复使用的基本数据,而 Transaction Data 是描述企业日常运营活动的详细信息。 Master Data(主数据) 主数据是指企业在其业务运作过程中反复使用...
1, 在事务代码COR3显示工单的界面上,在Header数据里有一个master data的标签页。 里面记录了该工单所link到的production version, Recipe Group, BOM等主数据的号码。比如production version 2301, Recipe Group ###1231, Bom number 00064595。 2, 点击Recipe group号码,就能进入Recipe主数据的显示界面。
上述概念中,SAP系统将相对静态的数据或者资料称为“主数据”(Master Data),如客户、物料、价格、信用。这些数据一旦建立,只在需要变动时变动。而且在后续的操作中,仅需要唯一标志自己的编号录入,即可带入其他相关信息,从而达到共享的作用。 与数据对应的另一类数据是“业务数据”,如合同、计划、订单、交货单、出库单...
示例:物料主数据(Material Master Data) 物料主数据是 SAP 系统中最重要的主数据之一,它包含了关于企业生产、采购、库存、销售等活动中所涉及的所有物料的信息。物料主数据在 SAP 系统的多个模块中使用,例如在生产计划(PP)模块中,物料主数据用于计划和控制生产过程。
上述概念中,SAP系统将相对静态的数据或者资料称为“主数据”(Master Data),如客户、物料、价格、信用。这些数据一旦建立,只在需要变动时变动。而且在后续的操作中,仅需要唯一标志自己的编号录入,即可带入其他相关信息,从而达到共享的作用。 与数据对应的另一类数据是“业务数据”,如合同、计划、订单、交货单、出库单...
The amount of activity expected for an activity type is calculated from the formula in the resource and the standard values in the phase in the master recipe. The planned cost for the phase is calculated by valuating this activity with the activity prices in Cost Center Accounting. ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi all, Is there any programme to support batch read PP orders master data? BOMs are changed frequently,so before REL,we hope that CRTD orders can read master data in mass.If no in which way you can suggust handle this,I mean...