由此可见SAP系统非常讲究主数据和业务单据,以及业务单据与业务单据之间的link关系。这样方便业务人员随时查询相关关联的信息。 3, 如果工单release之后,BOM或者Recipe主数据发生了改变,要想将改变后的主数据更新进当前的工单,则需要对工单执行Re-read master data的操作。如下图示: -完- 写于2022-8-23.发布...
3, 如果工单release之后,BOM或者Recipe主数据发生了改变,要想将改变后的主数据更新进当前的工单,则需要对工单执行Re-read master data的操作。如下图示: -完- 写于2022-8-23.
Is there any programme to support batch read PP orders master data? BOMs are changed frequently,so before REL,we hope that CRTD orders can read master data in mass.If no in which way you can suggust handle this,I mean which ABAP functions... And another point is that is there a stan...
Dear , In std SAP it is not possible to do Read PP Master Data as a mass maintanance.You can do it by selecting Planning Mode 2 (Re-explode BOM and routing) while MRP Run.This can help you somewhat to generate MRP elements with consideration of BOM & Routing changes. Hope this helps...
Reading is required when data is changed in the routing, in the work centers affected or in the BOM after order creation then these changes are not automatically taken into account in the production order. Thus you can read in the master data (BOMs and routing) again into a created or rel...
Good Day Everybody!! I am having one intresting issue in BDC. I am having a BDC which does REAd PP MASTER DATA in CO02 transaction. While reading master data if any
SAP Managed Tags: MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi Experts, I come from QM background and new to PP module. I have searched few threads and gone through several discussions but could not get what I m looking for. I need to know what are the basic master data in PP module and how...
OLMS C RM-MAT Master Data Menu C RM-MAT 主数据菜单 OMS1 Units of Measure Grouping 计量单位组 OMS2 C MM-BD Material Types C MM-BD 物料类型 OMS3 Configure Industry Sectors 设置行业部门 OMS4 C MM-BD Material Status C MM-BD 物料类型 ...
Solution: in CO02, function-read master data, change the explosion date to a date later than the valid from date in routing, system will reset the order statue back to created, release order again, check the routing derived for the order. CO15 after confirmation done successfully, no ...
FM Need to develop for follow-up action assignment and master data updation: Add new followup action Several processing variations are possible for follow-up actions: A manual trigger of activities to be carried out manually. A manual trigger of activities to be processed by the system. Assignme...