FORM frm_release_po USING u_ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln. DATA:lv_rel_code LIKE bapimmpara-rel_code. DATA:lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapireturn, ls_return TYPE bapireturn. DATA:lv_str TYPE string,lv_offset TYPE i. DATA:BEGIN OF ls_grp, frgco TYPE t16fc-frgco, END OF ls_grp, lt_grp ...
1、release procedures (approval) can be used for purchase requisitions (pr), purchase orders (po), rfqs, outline agreements and service entry sheets. the principle is exactly the same for all. if you can master one, you will know them all.lets set up release procedures for pr for the ...
SELECT SINGLE ekko~frggr ekko~frgsx INTO (gc_frggr,gc_frgsx) FROM ekko WHERE ekko~ebeln = po_num. IF ( gc_frggr IS NOT INITIAL ) AND ( gc_frgsx IS NOT INITIAL ). REFRESH gt_t16fs. CLEAR gt_t16fs. SELECT * INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_t16fs FROM t16fs WHERE t16fs...
SAP RETAIL 如何查看分配表是参考哪个PO来创建的? SAP RETAIL里的Allocation Table可以用来触发采购订单,同时Allocation Table也可以由采购订单(STO)来触发。不管是谁创建在先谁在后,SAP系统会记录两者之间的关联关系。 如果某个Allocation Table是参考前端的某个采购订单来创建的,则如何通过allocation table来查到这个采...
注意:additional data里面的Table是CEKKO 2. 创建Class,并将特性(上一步创建的Characteristics)分配给Class CL02 创建类(Class) 3. 创建批准组(Release Group),并将上一步创建的Class分配批准组 创建release group路径 创建批准组AX,并将Class分配给AX
Hello SAP Community,I would like to restrict the authorization of using report each user by restricted the PR/PO document type.How can I set authorization for this? Best regards,Keratiya D. 2024 Oct 30 5:06 AM | Posted inEnterprise Resource Planning Q&A ...
ACDOCP - This table was introduced in S/4 HANA 1610 release and stores the planned values. It has the same structure as the universal journal (ACDOCA) ACDOCA Table: All the actual cost or commitment values (PR/PO) raised against a WBS or NWA are getting stored in ACDOCA table. Let's...
ME12修改采购咨询记录:ME_INFORECORD_MAINTAINME21N创建采购订单:BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ME22N修改采购订单:BAPI_PO_CHANGE SELECT SINGLE frgc1 frgc2 INTO ( l_frgc1,l_frgc2 ) FROM t16fs WHERE frggr = 'R2' AND frgsx = '01'. 采购订单审批:BAPI_PO_RELEASE ...
From the annual budget, I have release amount of about 8M for current year but when user raise a PO for about 142K, the system showed budget exceed. When I check the analysis active availability control, the system showed that the tolerance limits was over by 110%. Can any Gurus advise...
I am facing a little problem here with BAPI_PO_RELEASE. DATA : lt_ekko type standard table of EKKO. DATA : lwa_ekko type EKKO. >> Fill values in LT_EKKO LOOP AT LT_EKKO INTO LWA_EKKO. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_RELEASE' EXPORTING PURCHASEORDER = LWA_EKKO-EBELN PO_REL_CODE = LV_REL...