release PO的意思其实就是批准了的采购订单,如果采购订单没有RELEASE的话,是无效的。
What you are saying is correct pr can release item by item ,but p.o you cant, the concept is p.req is the internal document yu can do anything (line by line or entire release ) in the document , because it is purely internal document unless it can convert to followon ...
1.状态码返回200--表明服务器正常响应了客户端的请求; 2.通过firebug和IE的httpWatcher可以看出服务器端返回了正常的数据,并且是符合业务逻辑的数据。 但是,程序就是不进入到回调函数success: function(data){***}而是进入到error: function(data){***} 记得上次是因为存在跨域访问的问题导致。这...
I have a problem with the release statuses and release simulation Regardless of what the release statuses are every combination of PO release is working in the simulation in the current system 4.6c, but when im trying to do the same in ECC 6.0 it doesent work. P1 -Approver1 P2- Approver...
1. The standard workflow template provided by SAP for PR Release is WS00000038. This information could be retrieved from the SAP help. 2. It is assumed that the release procedure has been setup in the system by the functional consultant, as shown below: 3. The customization of the PR...
gt_returnTYPETABLEOFbapireturn, gw_returnLIKELINEOFgt_return. v_po='4500011395'. v_re_code='01'.CALLFUNCTION'BAPI_PO_RELEASE'EXPORTINGpurchaseorder=v_po po_rel_code=v_re_codeTABLESreturn=gt_returnEXCEPTIONSauthority_check_fail=1document_not_found=2enqueue_fail=3prerequisite_fail=4release_alread...
本标准操作程序( SOP )的目的是要在SAP提供PO制作,PO的变化, PO取消和PO释放一个明确和准确的指导。 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 这道标准操作程序的目的 ( 面包片 ) 是提供 PO 创造的清楚和准确的指导, PO 改变, PO cancelation 和在体液中的 PO 发布。
&_EVT_OBJECT.RELEASESTATUS& NE i left the constant --but i think it doesnt treat it as a space or initial I also tried giving the rejection process as W in the release indicator- and tried with it with the release indicator and even that is not working right. I still have to work...
FORM frm_release_po USING u_ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln. DATA:lv_rel_code LIKE bapimmpara-rel_code. DATA:lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapireturn, ls_return TYPE bapireturn. DATA:lv_str TYPE string,lv_offset TYPE i. DATA:BEGIN OF ls_grp, frgco TYPE t16fc-frgco, END OF ls_grp, lt_grp ...
在引导式采购中添加拼贴,以便用户访问非 PO 发票输入表单。 Prerequisites 您可以将这些拼贴添加到较低级别的内容登录页面,而不能添加到顶级主页。 Context 添加“发票请求”拼贴以显示非 PO 发票输入表单。您可以向每个拼贴分配商品代码,以便用户可以在目录中搜索该商品代码。