How to get drop down help for a field in table control? Suppose there is a field for employee status in table control. That field can either have 'Permanent' or 'Temporary'. What is the code and where to write the code in module pool? is it in POV? Please help. Thanks in advance...
call another function module : DYNP_VALUES_READ Step 3: Then use this fm 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' example: DATA : lv_stepl TYPE sy-stepl , t_screen_values TYPE TABLE OF dynpread , x_screen_values TYPE dynpread, t_rtn TYPE TABLE OF ddshretval, CALL FUNCTION 'DYNP_GET_STEPL...
You assign a dialog transaction to a module pool. The following steps occur when you run a dialog transaction: First, the LOAD-OF-PROGRAM event is triggered. Once this event block has been executed, the ABAP processor passes control to the screen processor. For an example of how to use th...
receive-cookie-deprecationPart of a Google Chrome experiment to identify if a user's browser is in specific test groups within Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox initiative. Websites must opt-in to use it. The cookie tracks group participation (e.g., "example_label_1") and it will be discontinued ...
Dear All, We have many SAP systems which are running on AZURE Linux VM. Now , we have a requirement to manage all the OS users and group centrally. For example, in a sap system on Linux have user id sidadm and which is member of the group sapsys. We don't want those userid and...
Example Processing without an internal table PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. LOOP WITH CONTROL ctrl. MODULE ctrl_pbo. ENDLOOP. PROCESS AFTER INPUT. LOOP WITH CONTROL ctrl. MODULE ctrl_pai. ENDLOOP. In this case, the module ctrl_pbo OUTPUT is called once for each output line before the...
sapcontrol -nr 03 -function StartSystem [1] 验证是否安装了挂钩。 在活动 HANA 系统复制站点上以 <sid>adm 身份运行。 Bash 复制 cdtrace awk '/ha_dr_SAPHanaSR.*crm_attribute/ \ { printf "%s %s %s %s\n",$2,$3,$5,$16 }' nameserver_* # Example entries # 2020-07-21 22...
Solved: Hello Everyone, I have two table controls in my Subscreen. Depending on the buttons i click on the Subscreen i need to show the corresponding table control and
Enter the name of the new back-end pool (for example, hana-backend). Select Add a virtual machine. Select the availability set created in step 3. Select the virtual machines of the SAP HANA cluster. Next, create a health probe: Open the load balancer, select heal...
Sectioned Table Extension Form Cell Extension Page Control Extension Internationalization for Extension Module Advanced Form Cell Extension `UITableView` Based Extension for iOS Registering Extension Control in Web IDE Editor Registering Extension Control in SAP Business Application Studio C...