SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear All, i am doing module pool, in that i have different screens like 300 400 , in these two screes most of the fields are common , in 300, 400 screens we use table control and perticularly in 300 screen 4 drop down boxs are there each drop ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, I'am designing a screen in module pool programming. It is having i/o fields from different tables. There are two table controls in it having fields from different tables again. The tables in database are properly related to each other through foreig...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Abap experts, I am working on module pool. When I am editing row in table control if table control has only one row to edit(By clicking edit push button) then I am getting error as "Dynpro_Field_Conversion error" in module pool. Error is showi...
here i m entering data in table control it will be updated in the table zfm_kmvrg and kmstand is updated in the table zfm_kfz. for this purpose i m writing coding in module pool when i execute this table control in debbugging fs_itab shows empty even when entering the values ..why?
BUKRSFROMEKPOINTOCORRESPONDINGFIELDSOFTABLEITABWHEREEBELN=VALUE.refreshcontrol'TAB_CONTROL'fromscreen1001.endmodule." STATUS_1001 OUTPUT Regards, Rich Heilman Former Member In response toRichHeilman 0Kudos 110 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Rich, ...
读取GuiTableControl对象的数据。 """ @staticmethod def get_data(session, _id, columns=None): """ 获取指定列的数据,索引从0开始。 :param session: SAP的GuiSession对象。 :param _id: SAP组件ID。 :param columns: 需要获取数据的列索引。 """ result = [] tbl = session.findById(_id) # 如果...
Source Control Configuration Staged Entity Staged Entity Attribute Staged Metadata Async Operation Staged Source Control Component StageSolutionUpload Subject Subscription Manually Tracked Object Subscription Statistic Offline Subscription Statistic Outlook Subscription Sync Entry Offline Subscription Sync Entry Outlook...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) once again you all have to bear me.. i want to know the significance and meaning of VALUE_ORG = 'S' (DD: truth value) in function module ...
41 2.17 ABAPTWL - Removal of OSS1 (Logon to SAP Service Marketplace) ... 42 2.18 ABAPTWL - End of Support for Pool Tables ... 43 2.19 S4TWL - FIORI APPLICATIONS FOR SUITE ON HANA ON-PREMISE ... 46 2.20 S4TWL - SAP S/4HANA AND SAP BUSINESS WAREHOUSE CONTENT ......
SAP Range Table represents complex selection criteria, it’s data structures is exactly like select-option but without any UI part and header line. In this blog I will explain how to define range table type in program and in dictionary for global use. ...