INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @gt_makt. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = 'MATNR' dynpprog = sy-repid dynpnr = sy-dynnr dynprofield = 'GV_MATNR' value_org = 'S' TABLES value_tab = gt_makt EXCEPTIONS parameter_error = 1 no_values_found = 2 OTHE...
<b>Basic Data</b> - MAKT / MARA / MARM <b>MAKT – Material Descriptions</b> MANDT CLNT 3 Client MATNR CHAR 18 Material Number SPRAS LANG 1 Language Key MAKTX CHAR 40 Material Description MAKTG CHAR 40 Material description in upper case for matchcodes <b>MARA – General Data</b> MAN...
Hi, I had requirement thet copy standard Mara table to Ztable and add some fields to it and these fields should reflect to the basic data1, forign trade views in that
In EWM the closest thing to MARA i would say is /SAPAPO/MATKEY. Description can be found in /SAPAPO/MATTXT. I doubt there is any table that has division to product in EWM. EWM is a delivery processing system and division is irrelevant to it. Batch number and SLED can be found in ...
Populate ZZ_OLD_MATERIAL in alv_stb with values from MARA Add ZZ_OLD_MATERIAL to the field catalog table stb_fields_tb 1. Add ZZ_OLD_MATERIAL to the output table alv_stb Internal table alv_stb is defined as follows: Structure STPOX_ALV has a means of adding customer fields ...
Table contains the property of the Characteristic. It contains the type and description of the characteristic. Key is ATINN. Can also be used if there are different languages in use (SPRAS). Do a VLOOKUP to put the characteristic description in CABN using the ATINN between boith files. CAWN...
Uses flexfields to map the SAP table types (Transparent, Cluster, and Pool) Table 6-1 SAP ERP Knowledge Modules Knowledge ModuleDescription LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR) Extracts data from SAP ERP into a flat file and then loads it into Oracle Staging Area using the SQL*LOADER command li...
Uses flexfields to map the SAP table types (Transparent, Cluster, and Pool). Table 8-1 SAP ERP Knowledge Modules Knowledge ModuleDescription LKM SAP ERP to Oracle (SQLLDR) Extracts data from SAP ERP into a flat file and then loads it into Oracle Staging Area using the SQL*LOADER command ...