SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Why there is this error? types : begin of str_mara, matnr type mara-matnr, ernam type mara-ernam, end of str_mara. data it_mara type table of str_mara . select matnr ernam from mara into TABLE it_mara . loop at it_mara into str_mara....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Jyoti, You can copy the MARA master table from the transaction SE11. Using the COPY button in the menu bar you create your own ZTABLE. Then in the Change Mode you can add the fields that you need for making the changes as...
这两种技术都是SAP提出的"Code pushdown"理念的具体实现。SAP ABAP CDS view位于ABAP应用服务器层,使用OPEN SQL,支持的数据库不限HANA,因此既能在ECC也能在S/4HANA里使用;ABAP CDS view的使命是身为SAP ABAP新一代编程模型的一部分,帮助开发人员以更现代的方式进行ABAP应用开发; 而SAP HANA CDS ...S...
SAP ABAP VA01/VA02/VA03销售订单行项目增强及BAPI 效果图如下: VBAP添加客制化字段。 子屏幕8459添加增强字段。 PBO更改属性。 MODULE CHANGE_ATT OUTPUT. if T180-TRTYP eq 'A' . LOOP AT SCREEN . SCREEN-IN... Overview of SAP MM module ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , I need to populate 'ZZ' fields which are appended to 'MARA' table using the BAPI function 'BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT'. I see there are two parameters for custom fields. They are 'clientext' and 'clientextx'. I need to populate 40 custom ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, i do not know how to join ausp-objek=mara-matnr. Here is one example of Joining these tables : SELECT A~MATNR A~MEINS B~WERKS B~LGORT B~CLABS B~CHARG C~CUOBJ_BM C~VFDAT C~HSDAT E~MAKTX INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE ITAB FROM MARA...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP ERP Hi, how do we get the custom fields appended in MARA table available in MM17 transaction for mass maintenance? We have seen sap oss note 576160 which mentions about implementing badi MG_MASS_NEWSEG.Can anyone confirm if that is the right way ...
2. convert xls file to tab separated and format the 6 date fields 3. upload it to an internal table in another system 4. use simple insert statement to put it into the mara database Reply Former Member 2007 Mar 08 5:05 AM 0 Kudos 323 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , I need to populate 'ZZ' fields which are appended to 'MARA' table using the BAPI function 'BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT'. I see there are two parameters for custom fields. They are 'clientext' and 'clientextx'. I need to populate custom fiel...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Please give me an example of that source data. >>first you should do the recording the MM01 or mm02 transaction for which fields you want to send the data. now in the flat file find that data is available for that fields or not. then as per fl...