在此概念中所说的任务就是指活动。 Project Definition-项目定义: 是一个总括的项目描述。项目定义为将来项目计划阶段所要创建的所有项目管理对象提供了一个框架。在系统中,项目定义表示是一条记录,包括全局统一的项目编号、项目描述,有关项目的基本情况,包含项目负责人、公司代码、成本控制范围、工厂、项目参数文件、...
SAP PM入门系列23 - IL07 Functional Location List (Multilevel) 报表事务代码IL07是SAP PM模块里提供的另外一只关于功能位置的报表,除了显示功能位置本身的信息外,还可以显示功能位置下安装的设备信息。 点击菜单或者执行事务代码IL07,系统进入如下界面, 业务人员可以输入一个或多个功能位置的代码,或者其它参数进行查...
Here is SAP's standard definition of a functional location: The business object functional location is an organizational unit within Logistics, that structures the maintenance objects of a company according to functional, process-related or spatial criteria. A functional location rep...
SAP PM中,技术对象function location是一个非常重要的核心的主数据。事务代码IH06用于业务人员根据特定查询条件对function location出报表的。 执行事务代码 IH06,出现如下查询界面, 有很多字段可以作为查询条件。比如function location描述,计划工厂,计划员组,维护工作中心,function location category, Location,Room,工作中...
SAP PM入门系列22 - IH06 Display Functional Location SAP PM中,技术对象function location是一个非常重要的核心的主数据。事务代码IH06用于业务人员根据特定查询条件对function location出报表的。执行事务代码 IH06,出现如下查询界面,有很多字段可以作为查询条件。比如function location描述,计划工厂,计划员组,维护...
阿里云为您提供专业及时的sap pm入门functional location的相关问题及解决方案,解决您最关心的sap pm入门functional location内容,并提供7x24小时售后支持,点击官网了解更多内容。
Use Functional Location Create a new functional location with information such as Account and Individual Customer. Using the Functional Location functionality, you can do the following: Add notes and attachments Maintain involved parties, location, sales, and distribution data Create cases for function...
Accelerate decisions and cross-functional work with teams of Joule agents that act across your organization with full business context. Explore SAP Business AI Explore SAP Business Suite Connect every process and empower every team Run your end-to-end processes and mission-critical data seamlessly...
SAP functional location is a multi-level, hierarchal structure that is part of a technical structure. SAP functional locations are created for execution and recording of maintenance tasks, to control the cost over specific area of plant and to find the condition of an operating system. ...
SAP PM入门系列23 - IL07 Functional Location List (Multilevel) 报表事务代码IL07是SAP PM模块里提供的另外一只关于功能位置的报表,除了显示功能位置本身的信息外,还可以显示功能位置下安装的设备信息。 点击菜单或者执行事务代码IL07,系统进入如下界面,