1, 事务代码IL03, 输入function location代码, 回车进入显示界面, 2, General Tab,显示该功能位置的分类,对象类型,manufacturer, start-up date等基本信息。 3, Location Tab, 显示了该功能位置的maintenance plant, location, room, plant section, work center,ABC indicator等基本信息。 4, Organization Tab, 能...
SAP ERP里的Functional Locations,下载到SAP Cloud for Customer后成为类型为‘Functional Location’的Installation Points: C4C Installation Point UI: /BYD_COD/ServiceOnDemand/InstallationPoint/UI/COD_IPoint_TI.TI.uicomponent 在C4C里辨认一个installation point是从ERP下载的,还是从C4C直接创建的,只需看extern...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Harminder, Thanks for the reply, I have one more question if you can spare time. Which function module did you use to add the Sold to and Bill to in the functional location. I check the BAPI BAPI_FUNCLOC_CREATE and it does not have a place to...
Create a function app in an app service kubernetes environmentAzure CLI Копіювати Відкрити Cloud Shell az functionapp create -g MyResourceGroup -p MyPlan -n MyUniqueAppName -s MyStorageAccount --custom-location /subscriptions/sub_id/resourcegroups/group_name/providers/...
string strCpy (in string destString, in string sourceString) Parameters destString Variable specifying the destination for the copy operation. sourceString Expression used as the source for the copy operation. Description This function copies a string value into a second location. Writing `a...
I am using 2.0.0 release of odata jpa with spring boot 3.1.3 version . I have added OneToOne relationship into Location entity . When I am use Expand , I am getting error URL : http://host url/odata/Locations?$expand=Address Response : {...
AttributeError: .SAPLogon Tentative 2: Tried to initiate the Excel Instance dynamically Notes: Changed the statement in the code excel_instance = win32.dynamic.Dispatch('Excel.Application') What happened: Nothing different happened Tentative 3: Tried to specify the location whe...
Gibt das benutzerdefinierte RFC-Funktionsmodul an, das zum Lesen von Daten aus der SAP-Tabelle verwendet wird. Typ: string (oder Ausdruck mit resultType-Zeichenfolge). C# Kopie public object CustomRfcReadTableFunctionModule { get; set; } Eigenschaftswert Object Gilt für...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development [debug function module in update task|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/advancedsearch?query=debugfunctionmoduleinupdate+task#ABAP,%20General] Reply Former Member 2010 Mar 17 2:23 PM 1 Kudo 10,593 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, It is no...
Hi SAP, In this blog I am going to put forth a detailed discussion between the two functions in SAP Cloud Platform Intergration Data Services (CPI-DS) which can be said