The object page floorplan is used to display and categorize all relevant information about an object. Categorized content can be accessed quickly using anchor or tab navigation, and users can switch from display to edit mode to change the content. To create a new object, users can switch to c...
so it might be a little bit difficult for trouble shooting when you meet with issues, for example, the object page is blank after navigation, or some field in object page
The SAP Fiori elements object page template supports the features and settings for the overall object page behavior detailed below. For design information, see the Object Page Floorplan guidelines and the links below. Warning Always build the object page using the dynamic page header. Set the shell...
SAP Fiori Elements Object Page页面渲染原理 I have already been working with Smart template for one month. Since now no frontend JavaScript code for application is generated but instead the template maintained centrally by SAP is used in the runtime, so it might be a little bit difficult for t...
Fiori Smart Business 通过KPI Modeler,我们可以使用配置的方式创建Smart Business App。SmartBusiness App会以小图的形式将关键的KPI指标显示在磁贴上,并自动创建可以根据不同的维度分析和钻取信息的图形和表格。 3Fiori 2.0操作模式——Object Page 使用Object Page,可以在无需前台Fiori代码的情况下快速创建显示单一业务...
Switch any one of application generated by Smart Template to debug mode using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P, refresh and you can observe the following XML files are loaded. The Details.view.xml contains the overall definition of object page view.
Continuing my series on Fiori elements ... you'll find more blogs in the Fiori elements wiki. Object Pages are a summary screen for a single something – a single Order,
通过之前的文章如何在 SAP BTP 上通过 CDS view 快速创建 Fiori Elements 应用,我们已经创建了一个 CDS view,并基于该 CDS view,创建了一个 Fiori Elements 应用: 如上图所示,我们期望,点击上图的“>”符号时,能跳转到该行项目对应的 object page 页面去。本文介绍实现方法。
这个CDS view 主要的 annotation,都以通过 metadata extraction 的方法,抽取到了名为 Z_TRAVEL_METADATA_JERRY 的metadata Extension 中去。具体方法参考我的文章如何在 SAP BTP 上通过 CDS view 快速创建 Fiori Elements 应用 在这个 extension 的头部,添加如下注解,声明一个 UI Object page: ...
Launchpad启动 介绍了SAP GUI的事务码能够运行在SAP Fiori Launchpad里的原理,今天我们就来实际动手做一做,将SE80配置到SAP Fiori里并在浏览器里使用它。 Jerry上高 如何使用SAP Fiori Element开发Fiori App? Element只能又称作“SMART template”,通过这个名字便可知道,Fiori element是啥。 Fiori element是SAP为...