The overview page (OVP) is a new data-driven SAP Fiori app that provides all the information a user needs in a single page, based on the user’s specific domain or role. It allows the user to focus on the most important tasks, enabling faster decision-making as well as immediate action...
The overview page (OVP) is a data-driven SAP Fiori app type and floorplan that provides all the information a user needs in a single page, based on the user’s specific domain or role. It allows the user to focus on the most important tasks, and view, filter, and react to information...
SAP Fiori is a streamlined application and a design language used in SAP apps. This was launched for applications such as SAP HANA, SAP Data Hub, and SAP Analytics Cloud. It delivers a role-based UI. This can be personalized across different tasks, devices, and business operations. Moreover...
This series of blogs discusses aspects of SAP’s latest iteration of the SAP Fiori design language: SAP Fiori 2.0. In this article, I will discuss the idea of the overview page in the context of the SAP Fiori environment, and how it can be used to bundle information and functionality cent...
SAP Fiori Elements 提供了预定义的模板和 UI 样式,适用于 SAP 应用的通用应用场合。 使用 SAP Fiori Elements,应用开发人员可以创建基于 OData 服务和注解的 Fiori 应用,而无需额外的 JavaScript 编程。 运行时,SAP UI5 解析 OData 服务和注解中包含的元数据,将其同业务数据一起,使用框架统一提供的视图来渲染...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Fiori, SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA In the last couple of years we've seen lots of innovations around SAP Fiori and with the release of S/4HANA there is no exception to this rule as Fiori is now a central part of the "Simplification Process" at SAP. How does...
版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product:Sales APP类型:Analytical(SAP Fiori elements: Overview Page) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支持如下: BSP名称:POB_O2C_OVPS1 BSP包:UI_FND_POB BSP组件及版本:UIS4HOP1 200 BSP运用地址:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/POB_O2C_OVPS1 ...
You can use this inbound synchronous service to create, read, update, and delete payment advices related to a customer or a supplier. It is based on the OData protocol and can be consumed in SAP Fiori apps and other user interfaces. The service can be used with payment advices of any su...
功能描述:Procurement Overview Page OData服务:MM_PRC_OVP UI5激活SAP应用:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/prc_ovps1 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:Purchaser; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product:Sourcing and Procurement APP类型:Transactional, Analytical(SAP Fiori elements: Overview Page) ...