??? 答:accounting determination autoposting,做FICO的对这两个接口帐号的配置都会感兴趣的啊~ 不过这些东东要讲起来,东西就比较多了,只能简单介绍一下。 ??? FI/SD通过tcode VKOA为billing设置过帐科目,用户可以创建自己的科目定义数据表。科目是做到COA级的,通过KOFI/KOFK这两个condition type确定分别过帐到FI...
SAPFI财务会计模块(Financial Accounting),是SAP ERP五大模块之一,提供通常的会计功能,包括应收、应付...
2024年SAPFICO面试基础知识 1. What are the sub modules of FI? GL – 总账 (General Ledger)AP – 应付账款(Vendor)AR – 应收账款(Customer)TR – 现金管理 (Treasury and Cash Management)AM – 资产管理(Assets Management)2. What is GL...
Q.26 In finance accounting, what is General Ledger? A General Ledger comprises of all the transaction details listed in a company. This serves as primary record for maintaining all accounting details. Common general ledger entries include purchases from vendors, customer transactions, along with inte...
SAP FICO Tutorial SAP FICO - Home SAP FI - Overview SAP FI - Submodules SAP FI - Company Basics SAP FI - Define Business Area SAP FI - Define Functional Area SAP FI - Define Credit Control SAP FI - General Ledger SAP FI - COA Group SAP FI - Retained Earnings Account SAP FI - G/...
1.Book all accounting entries for: - Accrued expense - Do recurring entry (prepayment, accrued expense, amortization) - Process G/L, vendor, customer balance & open items - Cost allocations by FI 2.AM Fixed asset depreciation run and period postingAFAB 3.AM Periodic posting ASKB 4.G/L,AR...
1.Bookallaccountingentriesfor: -Accruedexpense -Dorecurringentry(prepayment,accruedexpense,amort ization) -ProcessG/L,vendor,customerbalanceopenitems -CostallocationsbyFI 2024年SAPFICO面试基础知识--第9页 2024年SAPFICO面试基础知识--第10页 2.AMFixedassetdepreciationrunandperiodpostingAFAB ...
Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Reclassify -> F.50 - Profit and Loss Adjustment 资产负债表科目调整 资产负债表科目调整,SAP 系统对会计凭证中业务范围为空和跨业务范围的会计凭证进行调整,SAP 用的术语为分摊 (distribution)。并且确保业务范围的合...
在SAP中,各个模块下发生的业务都会集成到FICO模块中,最终形成一张会计凭证。比如说FI应收模块与SD销售与分销模块的集成;FI应付模块与MM物料管理模块的集成;又或者是FI财务模块和CO控制模块的集成。 所有的会计凭证都拥有一个抬头和对应的行项目明细。表BKPF存储了系统中所有会计凭证的抬头信息,而它下面的簇表BSEG则存...
Accounting entries are : vendor account is debited and GR/IR account is credited. Subsequent debit :If a transaction has already been invoiced and additional costs are invoiced later, then subsequent debit is necessary. In this case you can debit the material with additional costs, i.e. GR/IR...