Bank Accounting(银行会计) 定义:组织内的银行交易 作用:记录和管理企业与银行之间的交易 Asset Accounting(资产会计) 定义:组织内的资产管理和记录 作用:管理企业的固定资产和无形资产 Fiscal Year(会计年度) 定义:也叫财年,可以与日历年相关或无关 作用:用于把业务交易划分进不同的时间段 Currency(货币) 定义:在...
SAPFICOAA资产知识要点 SAP FICO AA(SAP Financial and Controlling, Asset Accounting)是SAP系统中财务会计模块的一个子模块,负责管理企业的资产。下面是关于SAP FICO AA资产管理的一些要点。 1.资产概念:在SAPFICOAA中,资产是指在企业的业务过程中使用到的有形或无形的财产,例如房地产、机器设备、车辆等。它是...
若手动新建,步骤如下:1. 定义基本方法路径:financial accounting(new)asset accountingdepreciationvaluation methodsdepreciation keycalculation methods define base methods, 一般用默认的就好了2. define declining-balance me 14、thods定义余额递减法:afamd3. define multi-level methods定义多级方法:afams基值baseval....
*IMG:Financial Accounting(New)->Asset Accounting->Organizational structures->Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code 22、Practice:Confirm depreciation area *IMG:Financial Accounting(New)->Asset Accounting->Integration with General Ledger Accounting->Define How Depreciation Area Post to General Ledger ...
1) Explain the term SAP FICO? SAP FICO stands for FI ( Financial Accounting) and CO (controlling). In SAP FICO, SAP FI take cares about accounting, preparation of financial statements, tax computations etc, while SAP CO take cares of inter orders, cost sheet, inventory sheet, cost allocati...
ASKBN - Periodic APC Posting Run FI - Asset Accounting S_ALR_87011963 - Asset balances Cross Application - Cross-Application Components OBH2 - C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Fiscal Year FI - Basic Functions 2KES - Profit center: balance carr'd forw. Enterprice Controlling - Profit Center Accounti...
sap fico 基本概念 160;160;160; 每一个sap从业者都对这些概念不陌生,理解透了这些概念,对sap的业务体系构架才能有明确地认识。 160;160;160; 1集团client的概念:是sap中的最高等级;每一个集团建立
IMG → Financial Accounting(New)→ Asset Accounting → Integrationwiththe General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Document TypeforPosting of Depreciation 其它固定资产的业务,比如固定资产的获取,首先 SAP 确定固定资产的获取 transaction type 为 100,然后在定义 transaction type 时...
•GeneralLedger•AccountsReceivable•AccountsPayable•FixedAssets(AssetAccounting)•LegalConsolidation•SpecialPurposeLedger•FundsManagement•TravelManagement 4.6fi_01.3 OverviewoftheFIModule GeneralLedger(FI-GL)•IntegratedwithotherapplicationmodulesandFIsubmodules •FinancialDataEntry•User-defined...
SAP财务年结资产部分 Silicon Labs FI CO + YEAR-END IN ASSET ACCOUNTING 4.1.2009 1(15)YEAR-END IN ASSET ACCOUNTING This document describes the measures you need to take in asset accounting at year-end.Original version 04.01.2009 Updated CONTENTS 1 FISCAL YEAR CHAN...