invalid_dynproname = 3 invalid_dynpronummer = 4 invalid_request = 5 no_fielddescription = 6 undefind_error = 7 others = 8. if sy-subrc <> 0. endif. endmodule. " MATNR_F4 这里用物料来举例,当然也可以自己做帮助,也可以是系统的标准帮助,有兴趣的可以试一试,只有真正测试成功的时候,你才会感觉...
table control in dynpro - tutorial or example/instructions please! Go to solution former_member5350 Advisor 2008 Aug 25 10:43 AM 0 Kudos 305 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear community, I was around with abap quite a while but I didnt find a good tutorial/instructions ...
DynproNumberDynpro 數位 GUIStatusGUI 狀態 HostHost 執行個體ABAP 實例 (HOST_SYSID_SYSNR),語法如下:<HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR> JobClassification工作分類 JobCount作業計數 JobGroup作業群組 JobName作業名稱 JobPriority作業優先順序 MessageClassMessage 類別 ...
DEMO_DYNPRO_TABLE_CONTROL_1 DEMO_DYNPRO_TABLE_CONTROL_2 Even in Txn SAPDOCU you can get few more programs for table controls . Else post your code here so that we can help you out . Regards, Ranjita Reply Former Member In response to former_member196299 2007 Aug 06 1:03 PM ...
Please go to se38 and see the program DEMO_DYNPRO_TABCONT_LOOP to understand the flow of data.. after that in the screen for table control in PAI write a module to capture the Sy-ucomm and update or insert or modify the required table...if you still need clarification pls revert and...
ENDIF. "F4 help F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = 'MATNR' dynpprog = sy-repid dynpnr = sy-dynnr dynprofield = 'P_MATNR' value_org = 'S' TABLES value_tab = it_marc return_tab = it_return_tab. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. READ...
其次中级推荐的是:孙东文的《SAP ABAP开发详解与高端应用》。俞陈霄的《SAP Web Dynpro For JAVA开发...
A Error Code DYNPRO_NOT_FOUND. A Module $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/krn/dynp/dybas.c#6 $ SAP. A Function dyrdyp.c Line 545. A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STDERR completed. A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_ERROR entered. A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_ERROR completed. A ** RABAX: le...
Properties JspDynpage WebDynpro UI technology Portal Component Development environment for Approach Extends JspDynpage class creating UI. Architecture NA Model View Controller Reusability No standard format Through Development components User control Possible Possible When to Use Not for Rapid Development. ...
PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPLCSDI' '0140'. PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=FCNP'. ENDIF. Check the BDC ok code because here I have used "FNCP" in the above code, which is for new line item ,you need to take the appropriate value from your recording.Hope this helps. Also...