当你创建了个新的web dynproComponent,Component CONTROLLER自动生成,同样,当你为Component创建了个新的view,view CONTROLLER也会自动的生成。每个Component窗口包含窗体CONTROLLER,你可以为了实现需求创建定制化的CONTROLLER。 对于每个CONTROLLER,至少有个属性对象是自动生成的,名称如下: lWD_CONTEXT lWD_THIS 你还可以为每个C...
(1) Create a simple component ZDYNAMICUSAGE which will be consumed as component usage later. Implement the echo method in component controller. (2) In order to use component usage, there must be at least one static component usage.Also define usage of the interface controller in the consumer ...
Implement it to call method complete() of the component controller, as shown in the example below:public void onActionComplete(com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDCustomEvent wdEvent ) { //@@begin onActionComplete(ServerEvent) wdThis.wdGetCUserDetailsController().complete(); //@@end }...
In every Web Dynpro component, the creation procedure implements an interface. This component interface contains exactly one interface controller and at least one interface view (for more information, seeInterfaces of aWeb Dynpro Componentin the Architecture manual). Theinterface controllercontains a cont...
SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro Java, Virtualization Hai, What is Web dynpro Component Interfaces? This is not a component part. When you are creating new component u will go to select web dynpro components and give a name i will create.But before that u have option Web dynpro Component...
In addition to the above settings, I add the following parameter WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION setting to my DynPro application settings: If you want to do this globally for all wd abap applications instead of for every application you can run/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/wd_global_setting...
SAP BC-WD sub module is an application component stands for Web Dynpro in Basis. It is coming under the BC module (BASIS). Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables for your training purpose.SAP...
The component controller is the top level for the web dynpro, we can write our methods in thecomponent comtroller. All the data transcation, we need to build our context nodes to store and read data by the context nodes which we create, and map to the view context by business requirments...
Within this WebLog I want to promote the newest Web Dynpro tutorial on Component Interface Definitions in practice . Go through this valuable learning material in case
SAP UI5 基于 MVC 架构,一个典型的 SAP UI5 工程包含了 controller,view,component和 html 这几种不同类型的资源文件: 这种资源文件细粒度的拆分,其优点是每个文件职责清晰,符合开发人员对 MVC 传统架构的认识,因而在项目开发过程中,有助于SAP UI5 开发人员,在正确的位置编写正确的代码。 然而,开发结束后,切换...