After processing few files i get a connection closed error. In seeing in Transaction ST22 the error was DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND When executed in SAP GUI the error never comes and also when the abapDebug is set to true and its strange that its coming after processing some few files. A...
I am getting error while calling RFC function Module through JCO for displaying some data. On checking ST22 transaction, it is showing the error like DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND. While i execute the program from SAP GUI, getting the correct result . ...
After checking from SAP developer team in Germany, they tell us that the cause for ABAP dump Dynpro_send_in_background is definitely by the popup screen when our inbound IDoc is processed in background. But right now we can't know how it happened because it works before, and suddenly th...
find an interim solution in an SAP Note. If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following keywords: "DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND" "CX_SY_SEND_DYNPRO_NO_RECEIVER" "SAPLARFC" or "LARFCU05" "ARFC_DEST_CONFIRM" If you cannot solve the problem yourself and...
After a server migration (ip change included) the SAP System is throwing DUMPS in ST22 when crystal reports are created. The DUMP says this: DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND There are many notes but i can´t identify the problem. Does anyone now if there are some additional things which should...
After you have decided which bidder or supplier should receive the award, you send the awarded quotation back to SAP S/4HANA. A purchase order is created automatically in the background. You can display it within the Manage Purchase Orders app.Read more inApp DocumentationLearn more about ...
EXECUTE PROCEDURE EAI_ETL_CONTROL(IN :XX1,IN :XX2,IN :wa_datet_update,IN :XX3,OUT :YY1) ENDEXEC. sap ABAP 常用函数(sap abap function) RS_VARIANT_VALUES_TECH_DATA 可以返回一个内表, 里面存的是PARAMETER SELECT-OPTION的名字 以及对应的值. 可用于background job中对vaiant的修改. ...
clear g_item_name.ENDMETHOD."HANDLE_NODE_DOUBLE_CLICKMETHODHANDLE_ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK."this method handles the item double click event of the tree"control instance"show the key of the node and the name of the item"of the double clicked item in a dynpro fieldG_EVENT ='ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK'. ...
(v2.0) Features • Illegal State or Temporary Illegal State, which mean that the change has not been applied because of the state of the remote SAP CC system Transport requests handled by the SAP CTS system The SAP CTS system provides an ABAP Web Dynpro application named Transport...
Reporting Add-On 1.1.8 Operation Information PUBLIC 25 5.2.5 Revenue Posting Job Monitor The Revenue Posting Job Monitor (Web Dynpro Application FARR_JOB_MONITOR, contained in role SAP_SR_FARR_REV_ACCOUNTANT) provides status and result information about all jobs started as Web ...