Typically, SAP generates theDYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDshort dump when a dialog screen (DYNPRO) is accidentally triggered during background processing. This problem may arise if the system attempts to send a screen to the front end unauthorized while operating in background mode. Steps to Resolve t...
Very often, you get this error from a program trying to read a file from the user's PC ( sapgui download instead of OPEN DATASET). It is not possible to run such a program as a batch job because there is no sapgui attached to the program in that case. Regards, Olivier You must ...
Just read the doc on call trans and found out by default that NOBINPT = 'X'. The main reason this dump occurs, I think, is that the mode was set to 'E' instead of 'N'. Setting it to 'E' would result in an error screen popping up if the message control was set that way. R...
The reason is one of our developer changes the processing behavior, the billing document were printed without immediate printing, but changed to immediate, after the change, the background billing document process triggered the output process and then the dump took place. After we rollback the "w...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Business Workflow Hello, I sometimes get a shortdump in my workflow and the background process is not triggered then. DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND Can anybody tell me what kind of problem that could be? I am using batch input in this method - could this be the reas...