2.2,通过更改Message determination的相关设置,进行打印机更改。 2.2.1,确认当前凭证所使用的Message Determination Schema (以PO为例) IMG->Material Management->Purchasing->Messages->Output Control->Message Determination Schemas->Define Message Schema for Purchase Order 选择Assign Schema to Purchase Order 2.2.2...
T-Code:MIR7 后勤->零售->采购->后勤发票校验->凭证输入->输入发票->预制发票 SAP可以做预置发票,相当于发票请求单,请求单是可以进行多次修改的,保存后不自动过账.做完预置发票后执行MIRO,选择预置发票. 4.后台发票校验 T-Code:MIRA 后勤->零售->采购->后勤发票校验->凭证输入->输入后台校验的发票 后台发票...
SAP RETAIL 参考PO创建分配表之二 SAP里的分配表,是可以参考采购订单来创建的。这里的采购订单,主要是STO,比如从DC转入门店,或者门店之间调货的STO。 1,采购订单号:4500000737, 它是使用ME21N创建的。 它是一个UB类型的STO,商品从门店NM03转入NM01。 ITEM DETAIL里的RETAIL选项卡里ATab-Rel.字段值被设置为1。
阿里云为您提供专业及时的sap mm po的相关问题及解决方案,解决您最关心的sap mm po内容,并提供7x24小时售后支持,点击官网了解更多内容。
1,IMG->MM->Purchaisng->PO->Setup STO. 点击菜单 Activate Automatic Delivery Creation and CRM Billing, 对于UB类型的STO,如果发货工厂是NM02,则自动创建交货单.将‘Auto Delv.’栏位维护成X。 然后,点击如下配置菜单, 点击‘Activate Automatic Delivery Creation for PO Type and Shipping Point’ 菜单, ...
for the below code, it will expand node 2: sessionfindById"wnd[0]/shellcont/shellcont/shell/shellcont[0]/shellshellcont[1]/shell").expandNode "000002" and I just wantto know howmany sub nodes are in the expanded 2. Mariano
CKMLPOH tcode in SAP CO (Product Cost Controlling in CO) module. This transaction code is used for Order History Display. Here is it details, technical data etc.
Are there any workarounds or settings in the report generation process that could help retain the correct PO references per document?Thanks in advance!F_MParticipant2025 Feb 05in Supply Chain Management Q&A TDS is deducting wrong in same vendor code with different company codes 0 137 0 I am...
,ZIP Code, andCity). For text and ID fields, use a generic label (for example,EmployeeforNameandID). If none of these are possible, separate the labels with “/” (for example,Name / Status). For boolean values, such as checkboxes, find a descriptive text for the column header. ...
Is it possible to hard-code goals in the goal template? Hello everyone,I would like to ask by any chance, if anyone from here experience hard coded the goals for each category in the xml template?For example, I have financial and customer as categories and then core and consolidated are ...