SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function View products (1) Dear Experts, If i want to see PO Number in FBL1N and FBL3N what is the procedure? useful answers duely rewarded Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details?
Use document number to enter external PO number Procedure Activate this field if the system should enter the document number in the PO number field if this field has not been maintained when the document is saved. In repairs processing, the external purchase order number functions as the RMA (...
2, '输入PO编号'(Enter PO number) 字段 此复选框用于将销售订单编号复制到"采购订单编号"字段中。如果勾选了这个选项,业务人员在创建销售订单时候,如果没有输入采购订单号时,系统自动将生成的销售订单号复制到该字段。 如果没有来自客户的实际PO,但是需要在PO Number字段中输入一个数字,则可以使用此功能。 如果...
When processing FMS messages in SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC), it is possible to search for and then edit specific purchase orders (POs) by the PO number. After logging into SAP NWBC, clickFMS Message Processingand thenPurchase Orders by PO Number. Procedure The search for and lis...
2, '输入PO编号'(Enter PO number) 字段 此复选框用于将销售订单编号复制到"采购订单编号"字段中。如果勾选了这个选项,业务人员在创建销售订单时候,如果没有输入采购订单号时,系统自动将生成的销售订单号复制到该字段。 如果没有来自客户的实际PO,但是需要在PO Number字段中输入一个数字,则可以使用此功能。
As large enterprises choose to have multiple integration platforms as part of their long term strategy, we have observed an overwhelming number of such landscapes having the combination of SAP Integration Suite and Azure Integration in their integration architecture. To support such customer landscapes,...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Hi all, I have a req to find the PO number from DN,Sales order and invoice. I am using Vl03 to display the DN number Plz let me know teh code and where can i find the PO number associated with it. Thanks Know the answer? Help others...
Note This configuration corresponds to the identifiers SAP and SAPS11 in Figure 2, the Table of PO/confirmation scenario configurations. The endpoint is enabled to receive SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages by default.Configure a second endpoint with the settings shown in the following illustration. ...
在SAP零售系统里,可以基于分配表来创建采购订单,也可以参考一个采购订单来创建分配表。绕不绕?SAP就是这么灵活! 1,采购订单号:4500000736. 它是使用ME21N创建的。它是一个普通的外购采购订单,如下图示: ITEM DETAIL里的RETAIL选项卡里ATab-Rel.字段值被设置为1。 如上图。
在命令提示符下,导航到 c:\bin\SAPBusinessService\Seller\bin 文件夹。 在命令提示符下,键入 SAPBusinessService.exe NETServer,然后按 Enter。 如果已将 IIS 配置为使用端口 80 以外的端口(对于 HTTPS)和端口 443(对于 HTTPS),请键入 SAPBusinessService.exe NETServer:HTTPPortNumber NETServer:HTTPSPortNumber...