Change log table Former Member 2006 Jun 12 7:00 AM 0 Kudos 7,019 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development CDHDR and CDPOS are the tables which are used to log the changes which are happeneing, for eg it stored the transaction code, user, objectid, object name, description of the ...
一,过程 1,DIALOG程序获得用户要更新的数据,并把它写到一个特殊的LOG TABLE,表内的条目属于同一个请求类型,包含了稍后将要写到数据库的数据。一个DIALOG程序可以写多条数据到LOG TABLE。写进LOG TABLE里的条目属于同一个LUW,意思就是它们要么都被执行,要么都不被执行。 2,DIALOG程序关闭LUW(将LOG TABLE的条目...
instance profile 里参数 rec/client=all <或者想要开启记录的client,中间用逗号分开> se11 修改要记录的table 的 technical setting 左下角有了log change打上√就可以了。查看修改记录 SCU3 提醒: 一般只对更改比较少的(如customizing table)做此配置,不要把业务的trascation table 搞进来,否者...
Solved: HI folks, I have activated change log for a custom table but I am unable to see the changes in SCU3. System parameter rec/client is configured fine. Table DATA
Solved: Hi All, There is a database transaction log table created for every replicated table. I wanted to know if there is any delta ,then how there will be new enteries
Deactivation of Table-Change Logging Checks if the table logging is explicitly deactivated in a source code object. This could be used to bypass active logging. Inadequate Table Logging Checks a transport request for tables of class A with an activated Log (Data) Changes flag ...
does it make sense to turn on table logging through SE11 for tables DBTABLOG, CDPOS and CDHDR which are Change logs themselves? I ask because our security does not restrict a small population from editing these tables so I thought perhaps having change logs turned "on" for these tables mig...
Solved: Hi All, Is there a change log table in SAP for customer master - i want to know what changes have been made for a customer master record in the past for example
To view the changes log, we have to sure about one thing. Go to SE11 Enter you table name, then press display, You will find a technical setting tab. Click on this tab. Then press edit When you click on the Change button, then the all fields will be in editable mode. ...
ABAPChangeDocsLog_CL記錄架構展開資料表 欄位描述 ActualChangeNum 實際變更編號 ChangedTableKey 已變更的數據表索引鍵 ChangeNumber 變更號碼 ClientID ABAP 用戶端識別碼 (MANDT) CreatedfromPlannedChange 從計劃性變更建立,語法如下: (‘X’ , ‘‘) CurrencyKeyNew 貨幣索引鍵:新值 CurrencyKeyOld 貨幣索引...