etcdredstr= cdred_str_tabAdditionalChangeDocument-TableforSTRINGs *TABLES *editpos= cdshwTablewitheditedchangedocumentitems EDITPOSWITHHEADER= CDRED更改文档,显示结构直接使用SELECT语句读取数据的示例: *提取信用额度字段修改的抬头信息selectcdhdr~changenrcdhdr~udatecdhdr~utimeintocorrespondingfieldsoftablep_cdh...
Solved: HI folks, I have activated change log for a custom table but I am unable to see the changes in SCU3. System parameter rec/client is configured fine. Table DATA
Hi, Great How can I check table data changes log. I have created one z table and checked "Log Data change" check box in Technical setting of SE11. Now how can
Microsoft Sentinel 函式來查詢此記錄檔:SAPChangeDocsLog 相關SAP 檔: SAP 說明入口網站 記錄用途:記錄: SAP NetWeaver 應用程式伺服器 (AS) ABAP 會記錄變更變更檔案中的商務數據物件。 SAP 系統中的其他實體,例如用戶數據、角色、位址。 可使用以標準 SAP 數據表為基礎的 RFC。 每個客戶端都會產生此記錄檔...
CDHDR and CDPOS are the tables which are used to log the changes which are happeneing, for eg it stored the transaction code, user, objectid, object name, description of the changes which has happened. if i made a change to a sales order, and the information gets stored in these tables...
Hi All, I have a created a ZTABLE and will be updated manually. I need to get the table change history log. Please suggest me how I can get it. Thanks Sandeep.
Custom fields which are part of standard table and you have activated change document checkbox for custom fields, in that case those custom field change log will be captured automatically. If custom table is created and you want to check the audit trail, in that case developer needs to create...
Announcement of Legal ChangeProvides an overview of upcoming legal changes that may be relevant to you. You can search for legal changes, for example, by countries or application components, specify whether the legal change is relevant to your business, and detail the implementation status in your...
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