it is not just enough to use the annotation “Consumption.valueHelp” in CDS view source code – you would just get a drop down list with technical code of status value displayed. Instead, you must tell Smart template framework to display status description text in drop down list. In order...
如上图所示,我维护了五个不同的注解,一旦保存,这个cds view的源代码被发送到ABAP后台,通过CL_DD_DDL_HANDLER解析,DDL此处是Data Definition Language的缩写。 这个类的ANNOTATIONS字段包含了一个内表M_ENTRIES,里面的内容即代表五个被解析出来的注解。 cds view所有支持的annotation都在这个ABAP接口定义的常量里了: ...
it is not just enough to use the annotation “Consumption.valueHelp” in CDS view source code – you would just get a drop down list with technical code of status value displayed. Instead, you must tell Smart template framework to display status description text in drop down list. In order...
如上图所示,我维护了五个不同的注解,一旦保存,这个cds view的源代码被发送到ABAP后台,通过CL_DD_DDL_HANDLER解析,DDL此处是Data Definition Language的缩写。 这个类的ANNOTATIONS字段包含了一个内表M_ENTRIES,里面的内容即代表五个被解析出来的注解。 cds view所有支持的annotation都在这个ABAP接口定义的常量里了: ...
If you would like to build a drop down list based on a CDS view field like the status field below, it is not just enough to use the annotation “Consumption.valueHelp” in CDS view source code – you would just get a drop down list with technical code of status value displayed. Inste...
这个简单的CDS View包含了以下几个部分/功能: 1. Annotation @符号之后,冒号之前的一部分(比如EndUserText.label),即为Annotation,我们可以称它为标签。冒号后面的,即为这些标签的值。这些标签简单来讲可以理解为一些配置,CDS的很多功能扩展,基本也都通过此来实现。
If you would like to build a drop down list based on a CDS view field like the status field below, it is not just enough to use the annotation “Consumption.valueHelp” in CDS view source code – you would just get a drop down list with technical code of status value displayed. Inste...
4、通过CDS View Annotation发布网关服务 开发流程: 1、创建CDS视图(例如Zsepm_C_Salesorder_Tpl),注释:@OData.publish:true 2、在SAP Business Suite后端系统中生成服务(Zsepm_C_Salesorder_Tpl_CDS) 3、服务可以发布到SAP Gateway Server 注释可以在不同的上下文中灵活使用CDS视图。
In part1 of this tutorial, the old way to create OData service on top of CDS view is introduced. In SAP HelpGenerate Service Artifacts From a CDS Viewa new annotation is described: @OData.publish: true Just add this annotation to your CDS view and the odata service is automatically create...
@AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true 这句annotation 的值为TRUE时,SQL view中的key字段使用CDS中定义的key; 值为FALSE时,使用DB table中table的key field.运行效果: 5. Build-in 函数用途:CDS中自带的一些运算函数语法: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMO_CDS_SQL' @AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true define view Z...