All UI related annotation which could be inserted into CDS view source code could be found fromSAP help. Those UI annotations will not be converted by ABAP backend: @UI.identification:[{position:10}]Z_i_Order_View.posting_date All UI related annotations could be retrieved via the url below:...
如上图所示,我维护了五个不同的注解,一旦保存,这个cds view的源代码被发送到ABAP后台,通过CL_DD_DDL_HANDLER解析,DDL此处是Data Definition Language的缩写。 这个类的ANNOTATIONS字段包含了一个内表M_ENTRIES,里面的内容即代表五个被解析出来的注解。 cds view所有支持的annotation都在这个ABAP接口定义的常量里了: ...
Approach 4: developer adds UI related annotation in CDS view which are consumed by UI5 SmartTemplate All UI related annotation which could be inserted into CDS view source code could be found fromSAP help. Those UI annotations will not be converted by ABAP backend: @UI.identification: [ { p...
如上图所示,我维护了五个不同的注解,一旦保存,这个cds view的源代码被发送到ABAP后台,通过CL_DD_DDL_HANDLER解析,DDL此处是Data Definition Language的缩写。 这个类的ANNOTATIONS字段包含了一个内表M_ENTRIES,里面的内容即代表五个被解析出来的注解。 cds view所有支持的annotation都在这个ABAP接口定义的常量里了: ...
All UI related annotations could be retrieved via the url below: And in the runtime, Smart-template also uses this very url to retrieve UI annotations so that it can know what styles of UI control the annotated CDS view field must be rendered as. ...
And in the runtime, Smart-template also uses this very url to retrieve UI annotations so that it can know what styles of UI control the annotated CDS view field must be rendered as. Conclusion For approach 1 & 2, they sometimes look mysterious as everything happens under the hood. Fortuna...
In CDS View we can use “@OData.publish: true” to include annotations. With the annotation, we can find multiple information in $metadata. For example, if an entity type is an aggregate or not If a property is a dimension or measure What is the label and other information of a propert...
1. CDS view with Annotations for Fiori List Report: Make sure you set @OData.publish annaotation set to True in order to enable the service to Fiori. Also you can set below CDS view annotation for UI interface. @UI.HeaderInfo – to display the header information for the list report. ...
SAP 一脉相承的 Extension 设计理念在此处再次得到了体现,Metadata extension file(简称 MDE) 是一个同被 extend 的 CDS view 相比完全独立的传输对象,二者有着完全独立的生命周期管理。Metadata Extension Files (MDEs) 在 SAP ABAP 7.51 中的引入标志着 SAP 不断演进的技术生态系统的一部分。它们被设计用来...
We created a service from the CDS view. In the created service, the desired changes were made to the interface using annotations. Conclusion If you don't want to create a very complex and complicated service, you can create the service you want using simple CDS with simple annotations. If ...