1. 创建一个Core Data Service Table Functions 新建Core Data Service Table Function 定义CDS Table Functions @EndUserText.label:'a simple AMDP for CDS Table Functions'@ClientDependent:true//打开 Open SQL的自动客户端处理define tablefunctionZAMDP_CDS_TABFUNC_01with parameters@Environment.systemField: #...
In an ABAP program, it is possible to use the method USE_FEATURES of the classCL_ABAP_DBFEATURESto check whether the current database system supports table functions. This requires the constant AMDP_TABLE_FUNCTION of the class to be passed to the method in an internal table. The CDS source...
ABAP CDS views with table functions ABAP CDS views with authorization checks Table functions Access Controls (Authorization checks) 2、S/4HANA中标准Fiori应用程序对应的OData Services SAP S/4HANA系统提供了很多预安装的标准Fiori应用程序和对应的OData服务。 这些OData服务通常都是由CDS视图生成。查找这些CDS的...
I just started with blogging about important ABAP News for ABAP 7.50 and - whoosh - I am asked for CDS news . OK then, a blog about the new CDS table functions (but hey,
I know that with CDS view using parameters option, we can extract the records from the HANA passing the required parameter as an input. however, if my requirement is to extract the records based on the list of values - how do i achieve this using CDS using Table Functions ?
These functions move the functionality of the ABAP statements CONVERT TIME STAMP and CONVERT INTO TIME STAMP to the database. Variant 1 ... TSTMP_TO_DATS(tstmp,tzone,clnt,on_error) Effect The function TSTMP_TO_DATS extracts the local date for the time zone specified in tzone from a ti...
endtry. * set customer defined status gr_alv->set_screen_status( report = sy-cprog pfstatus = 'STANDARD_FULLSCREEN' * SET_FUNCTIONS = C_FUNCTIONS_NONE ). * define settings perform define_settings using gr_alv. * display ALV gr_alv->display( ). 其它的ALV模板的代码就不贴了,gt_output...
1、使用CDS创建一个Table type,如下所示: 2、我们创建一个procedures,如下所示: 3、最后创建一个JS文件并调用存储过程,如下图所示: 上面的步骤很简单,只有几步,当然这里没有涉及到HTML部分,UI的这部分内容请参考我前面发的一篇《创建简单的SAP UI展示界面》,前端UI界面发起对数据的响应请求,通过JS来实现具体操作...
So far, you could debug ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDPs). From now on, you can now also debug CDS table functions using the AMDP debugger. A table function
Azure 提供適用于 Azure Logic Apps、Power Apps 和Azure Functions的 SAP 連接器,以連線至 SAP 應用程式。 這些整合案例涵蓋不同的使用案例,但可能會重迭。 提示 如果應用程式或案例沒有可用的連接器,請考慮將資料移至支援的應用程式或案例。 下表顯示根據您想要從中擷取資料的 SAP 應用程式,提供更廣...