Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the current client id 001 into it. The fields defined as the returning parameter...
It is not allowed to do join on these two fields since their data type are not equal. This question is asked via this SCN thread:ABAP CDS View: join tables on columns of different type. As suggested in the Correction Answer, this issue could be resolved by using CDS Table Function. Her...
18.How to install Eclipse, ADT and include SAP systems 17:31 19.CDS View Consumed in Analysis for Office 13:49 20.CDS View Cardinality in association process 21:52 21.CDS View with sorting process 15:54 25.CDS View - Virtual Elements 31:32 26.CDS View - Invalid Key Predicate ...
Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the could be used in consuming view.(4) Test the whole solution Click F8 on ...
[@function_annot2] ... [DEFINE]TABLEFUNCTIONcds_entity [parameter_list] element_list IMPLEMENTEDBYMETHOD amdp_function [;] Effect Defines aCDS table functioninCDS source code. The implementation of the CDS table functionNative SQLis performed in anAMDP methodamdp_function, which is created using...
How to consume Table Function in Calculation View? Using Table Function as a source in Calculation View is also very simple. Create a new calculation view, and when adding object for the projection, type name of the Table Function: If Table Function is using input parameters you need to recr...
The required key fields must be listed directly in the SELECT list. Key fields that only occur as arguments of expressions cannot be evaluated.Only the key fields of the CDS database view are respected in SAP buffering of CDS database views. By default, these are not the key elements of ...
(3) Consume the created table function in CDS view @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zcpartner'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK@EndUserText.label: 'partner detail'define view Z_c_partner as select from crmd_orderadm_hinner join crmd_link as _link ...
Introduction: In this blog, we will have a look on how to store and retrieve data in SAP PI on java database in a custom table. And perform CRUD (Create, Read,Update and
SAP Managed Tags: SAP HANA, BW SAP HANA Modeling Tools (Eclipse) Hi, When I open a CDS view (in eclipse) I can see where it gets its data (other cds views and tables). I am actually more interested to know in what views a table is used? The Where-Used function seems perfectly...