It is not allowed to do join on these two fields since their data type are not equal. This question is asked via this SCN thread:ABAP CDS View: join tables on columns of different type. As suggested in the Correction Answer, this issue could be resolved by using CDS Table Function. Her...
Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the current client id 001 into it. The fields defined as the returning parameter...
Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the current client id 001 into it. The fields defined as the returning parameter...
(3) Consume the created table function in CDS view @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zcpartner'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK@EndUserText.label: 'partner detail'define view Z_c_partner as select from crmd_orderadm_hinner join crmd_link as _link o...
Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the could be used in consuming view.(4) Test the whole solution Click F8 on ...
阿里云为您提供专业及时的sap view table的相关问题及解决方案,解决您最关心的sap view table内容,并提供7x24小时售后支持,点击官网了解更多内容。
@ClientDependent:truedefinetablefunctionz_l_mangemp_hier returns{keymandt:s_mandt;keyEmploymentInternalID:pernr_d; ManagerEmployee:pernr_d;}implementedbymethodzcl_l_mange_emp_hier=>GET_MANG_EMP; Z_L_MANGEMP_HIERis table function created similar to CDS view creation. You can see in my previous...
[@function_annot2] ... [DEFINE]TABLEFUNCTIONcds_entity [parameter_list] element_list IMPLEMENTEDBYMETHOD amdp_function [;] Effect Defines aCDS table functioninCDS source code. The implementation of the CDS table functionNative SQLis performed in anAMDP methodamdp_function, which is created using...
Of course, a real CDS table function would do more HANA specific things (e.g. wrapping a HANA function) than a simple join as shown in the simple example here! A join you can code also in Open SQL or in a CDS View. Speaking about Open SQL, last but not least, the usage of our...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP HANA, BW SAP HANA Modeling Tools (Eclipse) Hi, When I open a CDS view (in eclipse) I can see where it gets its data (other cds views and tables). I am actually more interested to know in what views a table is used? The Where-Used function seems perfectly...