Now you can see the 22 in Base type. If its showing -1 its meaning, Goods Receipt PO is create without any Purchase order *** Below sample query I have used all the fields, SELECTt0.docnum [PO No.],T1.ItemCode,T1.Quantityas'PO Qty',T2.Quantityas'GRPO Qty' FROMOPOR T0INNERJO...
Then I will share with you some classes that I created to facilitate my day by day with development in the SAP B1. In this first text, I will show one class that implements the basics database operations as add, update, delete and "get by key" for an User Defined Table(UDT) of ty...
SAP B1 Service Layer InventoryGenExit doesn't change WarehouseCode Hi guys,I am encountering an issue when trying to create an InventoryGenExits object using the Service Layer. Even though I specify a different warehouse in the WhareHouseCode field of the DocumentLines, the system defaults to ...
What are True to Distribution rule in SAP B1? A. When you create a profit center, the system automatically creates a distribution rule with the same name. B. You can use Distribution rule for direct cost and revenues, which you can assign uniquely and in full to a specific profit center...
Download our SAP Crystal sample database in MS Access format: --- Note: To open the MS Access file from SAP Crystal Reports 2016, you will need to save it as a Microsoft Access Database 2002-2003 file. ...
[root@node2]# echo $(curl -s i-0e4e940fbbcb87337 5.3.2. Create STONITH Raw # pcs stonith create stonith-nwha fence_aws region=us-east-1 \ pcmk_host_map="node1:i-0b1c0612341288612;node2:i-0e4e940fbbcb87337" \ ...
I have created a CAP Project in SAP Business Application Studio (BAS) using the following steps:File → New Project From Template → CAP ProjectProvided:Project Name: sampleRuntime: Node.jsDatabase: PostgreSQLDeployment Type: Cloud Foundry (MTA Deploym... yesterday | Posted in Technology... ...
1Databasetable,ViewR?Datatypep)ta,TypeGroup1Domain1Searchhelp1Lockobject的Display/Change0CreateTabi*Shcrtdescrlptn口为Keyforsorting4ccordlntoe 5、usisrwiennusJ&eraIEB1VendorMaster(CcepianyCode)-IZUAWAKeyforsortingaccordingtDassigraentnwsbersSEe1tj/Laccountitiajter<corap4tij/coat)zCJAWJLKeyfor...
4. By Modify/update command update the internal table data to the stable. To upload a flat file : CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING filename = l_file filetype = 'ASC' TABLES data_tab = p_local_table EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_read_error = 2 no_batch = 3 gui_refuse...