Solved: Hi all, I have a problem in SAP B1 9.1. I want to add one field (InventryNo) to Asset history sheet report. Table of InventryNo is OITM, but the Asset history
If the name of the schema is not specified in the table name (table_name), the current schema is assumed implicitly. The table name must not be identical to the name of an existing table in the schema. The current database user must have the CREATEIN privilege for the schema specified ...
<create_table_statement> ::= CREATE TABLE <table_name> (<table_description_element> [,<table_description_element>,...]) [IGNORE ROLLBACK] [<sample_definition>] [CACHE] [NOCACHE] [IN DATASOURCE <data_source_name>] | CREATE TABLE <table_name> [(<table_description_element>,...)] [IG...
Every time I try to execute this query, I receive the error mentioned above. I suspect it might be related to the subquery in the SELECT clause or possibly due to the way I'm using the JOIN conditions, but I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause. SAP Busine...
If the name of the schema is not specified in the table name (table_name), the current schema is assumed implicitly. The table name must not be identical to the name of an existing table in the schema. The current database user must have the CREATEIN privilege for the schema specified ...
SAP B1 AddOn, What is the best place to check if table exist and create table? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 3 months ago Modified 3 years, 10 months ago Viewed 2k times 1 I'm creating an add-on to SAP B1 and I need know what is the best place to create ...
l_index= sy-tabix.CLEAR:get_table.SELECTSINGLEdd02vv~tabname dd02vv~tabclassFROMdd02vv INNER JOIN dd02lONdd02l~tabnameEQdd02vv~tabname*INNER JOIN dd03l ON dd03l~tabname EQ dd02vv~tabnameINTOget_tableWHERE"dd02vv~tabclass IN ('TRANSP','CLUSTER','POOL') AND "透明表dd02vv~cont...
我正在尝试使用B1将System.Data.Datatable转换为System.Data.Datatable。我试着用逐行的方式手动转换它,但是由于数据非常大,这需要花费太多的时间。然后,我尝试使用SAP的DataTable.SerializeAsXML方法从中获取,使用SAP的方法获取B1 datatable,然后使用dt.ReadXml方法加载XML,但这是错误的。我在另一个论坛上读到,、SAP...
VMware Adapter for SAP LaMa (VASLM) 1.5 VMware Adapter for SAP LaMa (VASLM) 1.6
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, I built my own F4 via F.M. F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST, and it works great. the problem is when I push the title of values, I get a dump in include LSDH4F09 (program SAPLSDH4). The steps: DATA: lt_values TYPE TABLE OF seahlpres, ...