Internal Table-内表SAP的内表有些类似于大多数程序语言中使用的数组,只是结构化的处理方式更加完善,特别是针对数据库方式的处理。 Invoice document status-发票状态: sap的购货发票信息是存放在rbkp和rseg中,通过状态区分不同的凭证,例如是否为预制凭证。 Key Field-关键字段: 相当于一个分析维度。关键字段也是通常...
T001WT-每个代扣税的公司代码相关的特别信息: T001WT 每个代扣税的公司代码相关的特别信息 T001W_BIW-Generated Table for View T001W_BIW: T001W_BIW Generated Table for View T001W_BIW T001W_KEY-关键字段: 工厂/部门: T001W_KEY 关键字段: 工厂/部门 T001X-配置外部接收公司代码: T001X 配置外部接收公...
type複製活動source區段的type屬性必須設定為SapEccSource。Yes query用來篩選資料的 OData 查詢選項。 例如: "$select=Name,Description&$top=10" SAP ECC 連接器會從以下組合的 URL 複製資料: <URL specified in the linked service>/<path specified in the dataset>?<query specified in the copy activity's...
using this document as reference. The Shipment Cost Document (SCD) contains the necessary data to pay the service agent (agreed rates, price, invoice party and etc.) and also accounting data (G/L Account, Cost Center and etc.) This document when created correct will be used in most of t...
KP27 - Display activity type/price planning Go to solution Former Member 2008 May 29 3:11 AM 0 Kudos 1,691 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear all, I need a Function module to return me the result as per TCode KP27 shown. Could you please advice? Thank you. ...
Select the Program Type for the Budget Profile, example “Z001” • Activation Type – Availability Control Activation Type This Field determines whether and how availability control should be activated. There are three activation types: 0 = cannot activate: This activity type may cause an already...
AGR_1251 Authorization data for the activity group SAP_AGR_1251 USGRP_USER Assignment of users to user groups SAP_USGRP_USER USR21 User name / Address key assignment SAP_USR21 ADR6 Email addresses (business address services) SAP_ADR6 USRSTAMP Time stamp for all changes to the user SAP_US...
GE Digital APM Field ID GE Digital APM Field CaptionSAP TableSAP Field IDSAP Field Caption MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PM_ACT_C Note: The value in the Activity Type field is associated with Order Preventive Maintenance. Activity Type VIAUFKST ILART Maintenance activity type MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PM_ACT...
on activity). But this is only a default value and can be overwritten for example during planning. Please see table COKL for cost center / activity type if have an empty field for the actual price indicator. Thus the system only finds the plan price indicators during price calculation and ...
GreenplumTableDataset HBaseAuthenticationType HBaseLinkedService HBaseObjectDataset HBaseSource HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption HDInsightHiveActivity HDInsightLinkedService HDInsightMapReduceActivity HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService HDInsightPigActivity HDInsightSparkActivity HDInsightStreamingActivity HdfsLinkedService Hdf...