SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling Dear Experts, I am facing one issue in Activity Price Calculation : We are using one cost centre under two work centres. After planning First Activity Type with KP06 & KP26, while I am executing KSPI then system calculates accurate unit price per unit bu...
Once you execute KSII - Actual Activity Price Calculation, you can do the Revaluation of Orders using CON2 / MFN1 immediately. You don't have to update the Actual Price in KBK6. Updation is KBK6 is used when you want to calculate the Actual Activity Price manually and update in the syst...
A program error occurred during activity price calculation. The SAP System could not determine the activity price for activity type 250902 in cost center 25093015 because only costs were entered, not activity quantities. The SAP System calculates the activity price by dividing the costs by the activ...
There is no change from 4.6C to ECC6 as far as the activity price calculation is concerned. As long as (e.g) 1) the manual price is maintained equally for all periods with price unit as 1000 2)the valuation strategy for activity is directing to average price...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling Hi gurus, does anibody know if is possible calculating the actual activity price split in fix and var? I know the percentage in which i'd like to split the price, for example 75% and 25% for Cost Center Group XXX; 60% and 40% for Cost Center Gro...
Solved: Hello team We are stuck up at a process where we need to revaluate actual price of the activities assigned to the cost center. We are aware that for a particular
功能描述:Create Budget Billing Requests in Mass Activity OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling Hello, I'm almost ready to configure ML for a company activating on PRD system on May. But I've still one doubt about activity price calculation. In ACTIVATE ACTUAL COSTING there are following entries: 2 Activity update relevant to price determination and 1...
Go to next lesson:SAP Accrual Calculation Go to previous lesson:SAP Adjustment Postings Go to overview of the course:Free SAP CO Training Page last updated byCleo IscoonJuly 19, 2017 Thank you for the article and it is very useful. I have a small doubt here. If quantities of activity ar...
Solved: Hi, I am trying to fathom how the system calculates for the activity price calculation. Total salary for the period -120K (cost element 720100 Wages) and nothing