APPEND it_komdlgn. CLEAR it_komdlgn. CALL FUNCTION 'GN_DELIVERY_CREATE' EXPORTING vbsk_i = vbsk vbls_pos_rueck = 'X' no_commit = 'X' if_no_deque = 'X' TABLES xkomdlgn = it_komdlgn[] xvbfs = it_vbfs[] xvbls = it_vbls[] EXCEPTIONS error_message = 1 OTHERS = 99....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I just need to create 1 delivery for 1 sales order . Its not a Z program but I can fetch any sales order data needed in the user exit/enhancement point. The current process creates a delivery for a STO but we need the same for a sales order. W...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I just need to create 1 delivery for 1 sales order . Its not a Z program but I can fetch any sales order data needed in the user exit/enhancement point. The current process creates a delivery for a STO but we need the same for a sales order. W...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I'm successfully able to create the Inbound Delivery using GN_DELIVERY_CREATE but it creating separate Inbound Delivery instead of one with multiple line items. I'm already setting the KZAZU parameter to X. Still it is not working. Please help me ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity Check this FM. 'SHP_VL10_DELIVERY_CREATE' Also check this BAPI BAPI_DELIVERYPROCESSING_EXEC. Check this thread for sample code. Regards, Maha Edited by: Mahalakshmi Padmanaban on Jan 17, 2008 7:06 AM Reply Former Member In response to Former Member ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Please check this FM GN_DELIVERY_CREATE which is used to create delivery in transaction CNS0. Regards, Ferry Lianto Reply Former Member 2007 Feb 22 4:50 PM 0 Kudos 267 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Ferry Lianto, Thank you for yo...
1st break-point against the parameter at function 'GN_DELIVERY_CREATE' 2nd break-point against the parameter at routine BELEG_SICHERN_01. The key routine for document incompleteness check is: 'UC_FROM_FINAL_CHECK': Here can find the key point where to trigger this error message: ...
LT01 Create Transfer Order 创建转储单 LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference 创建库存差额转储单 LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note 按交货单创建转储单 LT04 Create TO from TR 按转储要求创建转储单 LT05 Process Posting Change Notice 处理记帐改变通知 ...
LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note 按交货单创建转储单 LT04 Create TO from TR 按转储要求创建转储单 LT05 Process Posting Change Notice 处理记帐改变通知 LT06 Create TO for Material Document 创建物料凭证的转储单 LT07 Create TO for mixed storage unit 创建混和存储单位的转储单 ...
LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note 按交货单创建转储单 LT04 Create TO from TR 按转储要求创建转储单 LT05 Process Posting Change Notice 处理记帐改变通知 LT06 Create TO for Material Document 创建物料凭证的转储单 LT07 Create TO for mixed storage unit 创建混和存储单位的转储单 ...