公众号:matinal 本文作者:matinal 原文出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/SAPmatinal/ 原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP ABAP WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE 修改数量、过账日期并发货过账 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读
问题就出在 SHP_DELIVERY_CREATE_FROM_STO 这个 sap的标准函数上。 再用简单的数据单独对这个函数测试。 现在要针对上面的数据,创建转储的交货单(公司间交易的交货单),测试数据如下: 1、当我所有行都作完全数量的创建时,没有问题,能够正创建. 输入 输出(很正常,行数,数量都正确 交货单 41037971) 2....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, The difference can be summarized as. Delivery class: Attribute of a table or maintenance view. The delivery class of a table determines whether SAP or the customer is responsible for maintaining the data in the table. It also determines how the tabl...
SAP ABAP 发货过账WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE DATA:ls_vbkok LIKE vbkok, lv_error TYPE xfeld, it_prott LIKE prott OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, "Return Message it_vbpok LIKE vbpok OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. "Delivery itemsDATA:lv_wadat TYPE likp-wadat_ist. SELECT SINGLE wadat_ist "dn的移动日期...
SAP table TVLKT named "Delivery Types Texts" is used to store delivery types texts. The translations of delivery document delivery types are listed in this ABAP table. In SAP systems, Delivery Type is used to classify and distinguish different types of delivery. ...
货铺QQ群号:834508274 进群统一修改群名片,例如BJ_ABAP_森林木。群内禁止发广告及其他一切无关链接,小程序等,进群看公告,谢谢配合 不修改昵称会被不定期踢除,谢谢配合 *&---* *&交货单是物理删除,在DB表就找不到了 *&---* REPORT ZDEMO_DEL_DN. PARAMETERS P_DN TYPE VBELN...
概要BAPI はBusiness Application Programming Interfaceの略で、SAPのデータを取得したり更新したりするためのインタフェース(API)です。実体はABAP言語で作成されている汎用モジュール(プログラム)です。通常の汎用モジュールとの違いは、BAPIは外部システムからリモート呼び出し可能な汎用モジュー...
EF_PROGRAM = Program name (SAPLXXX here xxx is the FG name) EF_DYNPRO = Sub-screen number -> Save and activate the method. -> After you activating the implementation and Badi, the system displays the new tab in the delivery transaction ...
Inter-company purchasing is a very common business scenario in many SAP projects. In project practice, inter-company STO (or cross-company STO) is used to realize this
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility hi. this is the example provide by SAP, but this one not perform. Thanks. I found solution, I used the BADI and SD exit MV50AFZ1. In BADI I cant use message E because the transaction end with a popup, and I not want this, I want that the...